Hi, I have been reading posts for the last 4 and a half months and have found it very helpful, but now I need direct advice. My baby hasn't slept all night since he was born, he had woken up two or three times. He got sick a couple of weeks ago, and now i put him in his crib (room) for the first time day before yesterday. He is now waking almost every two-three hours and i'm exhausted.
This is a semi typical day for him
6am wake up
6:30 5onz of soy /hidrolized protein formula
9:00 sleeps for about an hour
10:00 4-5onz formula
12:00 sleeps for about one and a half hours
1:30 4-5onz formula
(this is were it gets crazy)
4:30 4-5onz formula
5:00 tired so he wants another nap (try not to but gets really cranky)
7:00 BATH/Massage/wind down
7:30 4-5onz formula
8:00 SLEEP
Hes waking up at about 11, 3, 5 and is eating like crazy at night, almost 5onz everytime. Problem is he doesn't eat more than 5onz in the day, and I think he sleeps too much. What can I do to help him sleep more at night, and eat less? Dr, doesn't want to give solids until 6months because of his sensitive stomach.