Hi there, just replying on the constipation front.
My lo was constipated the moment I started her on solids, nothing helped, prunes, only veg, more water..... we tried it all. At first adding prunes to everything she ate helped, and using the occasional suppository but still it wasn't that great. It got to a point that her nursery asked us to take her to a specialist as they were getting upset at her distress when passing stools, and she would bleed most times. The Dr wasn't too helpful and gave Lactulose, which is very good, but the constipation had gone on too long and the thought of going due to the pain meant we had to give her Senna as well (this makes her contract, and the lactulose is a stool softener) so with both of these it started to get better. They can both be used with no adverse affects (we had been seeing a specialist for this, but you can actually buy both over the counter).
But then we read that a trial had occured where some babies were taken off dairy and put onto soya, as she is old enough now we thought we would try for 2 weeks, and it worked for us. With no need of other medication. We have to be careful as we give her dairy milk with her cereal and all other is soya. She doesn't take too much soya (we use unsweetened), but the specialist said so long as she is having a healthy varied diet, eating meat, beans, veg and fruit etc. then we have no worries.
Hope this helps, well worth getting it sorted before your lo even hates the idea of having to go.
Best of luck