Hi, Taylor!
Lots of people are visiting, because it's a GREAT post! Unfortunately, lots of us are having the same problem and don't know how to answer this for you. (Sorry...)
I have a similar problem, but DS doesn't wake for his feed anymore. He's just over eight months, and I've tried to give him more food during the day so that I could give him less at night, and, in doing so, wean the df! But, he's only eating so much these days. If I add any more he spits it up!
I would have to say, Taylor, if you've tried feeding more during the day, and less at night, gradually, and it STILL doesn't work to wean the df, maybe your LO isn't ready to give up the df yet. Give it another month or so until the solids are enough to sustain him.
Hope that helps a little. Wish I could help you out more.