Hi Sheila
My you have a handsome chap on your hands their! Nathan is Gorgeous, the shirt and tie is fabulous!
The addition of the rice from the early age was because the wee man was taking the bottom out of 9oz bottles every 2 hours? He was frantic all the time and generally VERY unsettled. It seemed that the formula was going through him and not satisfying him. As soon as I started to give him the baby rice he was much more settled, and it was then very apparent he was just hungry and needed something that would stay in his tummy a little longer.
I had the same problem when he was born, I really wanted to breastfeed and was in hospital 3 days trying to get established. He wasn’t happy with that either, although they said he was a natural feeder he wasn’t happy with the foremilk? He wanted volume there and then? He would spend an hour feeding and an hour screaming, the midwifes allowed me to struggle for 3 days, until I broke down and asked for formula. As soon as he drank 4oz he slept for a solid 3 hours, and I never looked back to breast feeding. It did break my heart at the time.
I think I have him sorted now, as I have extend his EASY to a 4 hour cycle. Well actually is more EAEASY first thing in the morning but gets back on track after his first nap. This has worked out nice as I just give him a bottle when he gets up and the last thing at night. He is down to 5 x 9oz bottles and 3 meals a day. He seems more settled now and his naps are good quality sleep. I have only being doing it a week but it seems to be ok up to now.
Thanks so much for replying to me and kisses to your wee boy.
Nikki & Cameron xx