Author Topic: 10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?  (Read 1672 times)

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Offline ~Angie~

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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« on: January 05, 2006, 19:39:49 pm »
We have a routine problem at our house.  :) My daugher was on a 3 hour easy and did very well with it. Just recently (last 2 days) she has started the 45 minute naps and not wanting to eat every 3 hours or even at 3.5 hours. She seems to want to go 4 hours in between bottles. She gets tired after 1 hour of awake time. The problem is if we do this, then we end up with this as a routine:
E 7-7:30
A 7:30-8
s 8-10

A 10-11
E 11-11:30
S 11:30-? overtired here hard to settle, wakes after 45 min.

Then we have a cycle of short naps and crankiness.  :(

I have tried to tweak our routine, but can't figure out how to avoid the overtired cycle.

Ishould also mention that we went Teus. for shots. Maybe this is causing short naps and everything will sort itself out in a few days.

I would love to hear if anyone has experienced anything similar and what worked for you.

Thanks :D
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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 00:56:05 am »
hi angie b :D
my Ds  :D (10  WO) was having the same problem a few days ago, he woudln't eat well after a 3 hour period and it took him for ever just to get him to eat 2 oz. his sleep was kind off bad and he kept waking a lot. so what i did was change his routine completely from one day to another  :lol: so if on the 3hour routine was 7:30-10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30 DF11:00 and he woke at 4-5ish am fed him, then start all over again. I changed it to 8-12-4-7:30 DF11:00 and he still wakes 4-5ish am :shock: , but i can tell you he is eating around 4.5 oz each take and he is awake for 1 1/2 hours (a bit cranky though in the end :evil: , but generally good) and he takes naps of 2 hours generally :) . Its working pretty well for me :D , you migth as well give it a try for a few days to see how it goes.
hope this is usefull to you, let me know how it goes
good luck
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Offline ~Angie~

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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 02:02:12 am »
That does help. I was thinking earlier today that I would try to keep her up longer. If she is cranky after 1 hr. awake and a 45 minute nap, then I don't see how it would be worse to just keep her up longer than 1 hr.  :) That way I am not spending the entire day trying to get her to sleep.  :)

I'll let you know how it goes.  :D
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Offline ~Angie~

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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 20:56:32 pm »
I took your advice. We extended activity time to 1.5 hours. She was a littel cranky, but not bad. The first nap was 45 minutes, then 1.5 hours, and now she is taking her third. She is also taking her bottles good. Except today she is taking a full bottle every three hours.  :? Hopefully she is storing up for  a long sleep tonight.  :D She did sleep from 8:00-7:30 last night. Just one feed at 1 am. First time she has done this.  :D  :D
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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2006, 01:23:03 am »
We have our 11 WO on a 4hr EASY now.  Started the transition a few days ago cuz night were turning bad (always been good) and she was taking less at each feed.  Her per feed yield doubled and she's doing well.  Her naps are still short - have been for about 3 weeks now.  Although today she had great overnight sleep and was awake for 2hrs this morning (second hour was very low-key) and had a good am nap in the car during errands.  She was awake 2.25 hours in the pm before taking 2 20 minute naps.  So, I think if she could get her naps lengthened (we've tried everything unsuccessfully), then she could actually handle the 4hr plan like a champ!
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Offline ~Angie~

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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2006, 03:44:13 am »
Hi Casey,
Thanks for replying. I wouldn't worry too much about lengthening the naps, if your LO is sleeping well at night and not too cranky during the day. I stressed at first about our naps being short, but since she is sleeping better at night I decided not to worry about them. I aslo started thinking back to when our son was this age. He always took 45 min. naps from about 1 month. He started sleeping through the night about 2 months. His naps lengthened by themselves by the time he was five months and have been great ever since. I know that seems like a long time from now.  :D But it will pass quick. I think the short nap is a developmental step that all LOs go through. Of course this is just my opinion. :D Let me know how the naps go.
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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 17:07:51 pm »
Angie, my son has been on a 4 hour easy since about 10 weeks also.  I always say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  We had to work on his naps too, but it seems to me that if you establish the feeding schedule, the naps will sort themselves out eventually.  Hope it's all working out for you now.
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Offline ~Angie~

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10.5 week old on 4 hour easy!?
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 19:07:53 pm »
Everything is going good now. I stopped worrying about when she took her bottles and the length of the naps. She has gotten into a routine of a short nap in the morning and evening and a long one in the middle. Her bottles are anywhere from 2.5-4 hours apart. However, somehow she manages to get 5 bottles in every day. I guess she knew what she wanted.  :D
I see you are from West Texas.  :D What part? We have friends in Midland and family in Decatur.
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