Author Topic: Amounts for breakfast?  (Read 1132 times)

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Daniel's mummy

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Amounts for breakfast?
« on: January 06, 2006, 09:43:29 am »
I am just interested to know how much other 11 month olds are eating for breakfast.  My ds has about 6oz on waking.  Then a weetabix with about 4oz milk an hour later.  Some days he shovels it down and other days he leaves some, but this is what his average would be.  Is this similar to others?

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Amounts for breakfast?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 09:57:08 am »
My dd will usually have a breastfeed on waking 8/8.30, then about 30 mins later a small bowl of dry cheerios and a pot of fruit.  Although if she is particulary hungry she will also eat a slice of toast (cut into soldiers) or like this morning her usual breakfast AND a WHOLE crumpet .....just because Mummy was eating one  :roll:

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Amounts for breakfast?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 16:54:15 pm »
Benjamin, just over one now, has 6ozs formula at 7.45 and then bowl of cereal (made with about 5ozs cows milk), half a piece of toast and about half a banana at about 8.30.  Sonme days he eats it all and others, not. This is pretty much the most he will eat - I think this is pretty average judging on what I've been told by friends and health visitors. I have tried to jazz up brekkie a bit by offering crumpets, scrambled eggs etc but he loves his cereal and toast! :roll:
Jen - Benjamin's Mum

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