I responded to one of your previous posts as my 17 mos. dd was having the same problem which seemed to come on shortly after trying to shift her from 2 naps to one. She also did this when shifting from 3 naps to 2 when she was around 10 mos. I've started using the same method now as went eventually worked then and have seen some improvement.
WHen this first started at 10 monthe we put Margot down early--sometimes very early. at that time she would normally go to bed at 7 and then we started pushing her bedtime back to 6 or even earlier. That got rid of the night waking and she was able to sleep through but only until 5 am! Then we started pushing back her morning nap focussing not so much on the hours from wake up to nap but from bedtime to naptime ie.that it be close to 14 hours. that cured the problem of early wakeups until we went to one nap. Initially when we transitioned things went better than expected--2 hour nap at 11:30 bed at 7 but then she started waking at 5 in the morning. We would get her back down but then she would only take a 1.5 hour nap. Things snowballed from there until we had a schedule much like yours--a 1.5 hour nap and 2-4 hour wakeups in the night :oops:
things are both easier and more difficult now with one nap. First she went down REALLy late one night--more b/c of some well intentioned intervention on my dh's part--but she slept from 10 until 6 straight. We put her down at her normal naptime of 12:30 and she slept for 2 hours for the first time in a long time. Her naps had been going to 1.5 hours which I think is a major contributor to her problem. we put her to bed at 7 that night (normal time closer to
and she slept to 6! The problem was we put her down at her normal nap time that next day and she only slept for 1.5 hours. 7 pm bed that night and up again at 4 but managed to get her back between 5:30 and 6:30. Sorry for the long post but my point is if my dd sleeps badly she needs the 12:30 nap but if she sleeps well I think I need to put her down later in order to get a 2 hour nap for her since getting less than that seems to cause an overtired state by bedtime and either an early wakeup or night wakings.
so the two phase approach worked the first time around for us and so far phase 1 of this round is going the same way. The next time she sleeps through (fingers crossed ) I'll try the later naptime and let you know how it goes. Sorry for the long post but I hope there something you can take from this approach!