Author Topic: 5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help  (Read 2402 times)

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5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help
« on: January 07, 2006, 04:04:35 am »
I am hoping someone can pass along a bit of advice.  My daughter 5 months old now, was previously sleeping through the night, however the past 4 nights, she breaks out of her swaddle and will not go back to sleep on her own.  I rush into her room when I hear her chatting to herself ( because I am afraid the swaddle will get into her mouth ) and reswaddle her, cuddle and back to bed.  She will wake again in an hour or so and then we do it over again....... I feel like she is 12 weeks old again. Any suggestions????

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5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 04:30:00 am »
I too faced the same problem. We were using the miracle blanket and Jake got too big for it and eventually spent 4-7 a.m. each morning breaking out of the swaddle. It was drove me crazy so I decided to try and get rid of the swaddle. Unfortunatley, that was easier said then done. I tried one arm out, the aussie swaddle, and going cold turkey. Nothing seemed to work and I would sit by his crib watching the poor little guy almost fall asleep and them rub his face and start crying. The minute I swaddled his arms, he went right back to sleep. I posted on this board and was advised to keep it up for a few more months.

Some babies find their fingers and can self soothe themselves but Jake was very bothered by his arms and hands and always seemed to have uncontrolled movements when trying to fall asleep. So I found a new way to swaddle and he has slept like a champ the last few months. He is almost 7 months old and we are just starting to have some luck with unswaddling him. He isn't quite there yet, but we have made progress.

If you would like to get rid of it, I suggest you try one arm out or the aussie swaddle (directions posted at the top of this forum) for a few days. If it doesn't work, go ahead and continue swaddling. Once I found a swaddle that worked (homemade miracle blanket) and he stayed in it we had no problems. And until now, he had shown no signs of being ready to sleep without it.

Good luck!

Mom to Jake born 6-16-05 and Julia born 8-29-07

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5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 04:30:36 am »
we started letting one arm out and that seemed to get rid of the need for her to break out.  we started during naps and now she sleeps great again.  it took a couple of days, but it worked.
we eventually did a couple of nights without swaddling arms and just the body.  it worked but we noticed she slept better with one arm swaddled...
good luck
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5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 05:37:05 am »
My son was doing the same thing :x  I tried on arm out, doing without the whole thing, holding his arm down for the nap, and ordering the swaddleaze. Nothing worked until....... I tried the aussie swaddle for the second time. The first time I chickened out, but the next time he fell asleep :shock: It worked and he looooooooves it because he has more freedom and can suck on his hand. I also like it beause he is learning to have his arms in different positions, and I can loosen it up gradually with hopes of weaning him.  Anyway try it. There is an link up top how to do it. I think the drawing is easier to follow.


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5 month old breaks out of swaddle - night waking now - Help
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2006, 21:22:21 pm »
my bub us 5.5mths and use to sleep through bu the same has happened for me. she now wakes around 4am for a feed. other mums have told me their bubs also started waking at this age too, i am not sure why.

i have swaddled with one or two arms out for 1.5mths as she likes to suck her fingers to sleep. she unswaddles herself quite often when she wakes and starts playing but it hasnt posed any risk as she loves pulling it over her head as a peek-a-boo game and pulls it off again.

it seems there is a develpmental change around this age. i will keep posted to see others experiences.