Author Topic: clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months  (Read 1473 times)

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« on: January 08, 2006, 01:44:31 am »
i have committed to getting my 5.5month old daughter into the EASY routine as set out in the book i.e 7am start to day etc. but i have couple of questions:

1. she seems to wake around 3-4am and has a full feed, in fact her best in 24hrs because she is so distracted breastfeeding during the day (too busy exploring the world). tracey states its possible to sleep 10hrs at her age. if her last feed is around 7am and i have started experimenting with dreamfeeding at 10pm (i prefer to be in bed at 9pm) is it reasonable she is genuinely hungry at 4am or is this a habit i can break? if i dont feed her i suspect she will  wake at 5 or 6am. she is then sleeping from 4.30am to around 7am but not that hungry when she wakes.

2. if i feed at 5 or 6am do i continue starting the day and feeding again at 7am?

3. is the dreamfeed considered a feed therefore she should go all night to 7am without a feed? how long should you dreamfeed for, i continue gently pulling my nipple in and out to stimulate the suck reflex, it seems she gets a small feed.

i have been trying the routine/observing basically for 3 days but officially start tomorrow so any other hints or advice is warmly welcome.  day sleeps i get her down no problem but her bedtime sleep she knows the ques and screams for approx 1hr before falling asleep. the moment i say "shh, sleepy time..." her little lips curl down, she grabs me tightly and crys, then its on.


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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 16:26:56 pm »
hi :D
i dont know if this will help you because my DS is only two months old, but this is what i do with him:
8am wake up and feed
9:30am put him in crib (he sleeps pretty well now) 2hr nap
12:00pm feed
1:30 put him in crib 2hr nap
4pm feed
5:30 put him in crib 1 1/2hr nap
7pm bath and massage
7:30 feed
11pm dream feed
he wakes up hungry at 4-5ihs am to feed
so as you can see we have the same issue, the only thing i can say is that DS doesn't take a full feed at 8am in wake up time, but he can manage to not get hungry until 12 so its working fine for me.
As for the fact that tracy's book says your DD should be sleeping more during the night, the only thing i can tell you is that all babys are diferent and you will get to the day when your DD sleeps more. Just hang in there!!! :lol:
good luck :D
[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

Offline KellyC

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 20:26:48 pm »

We have a similar problem if Zander wakes at 5am or so for a feed.  His first feed of the day is always huge so there's no way I can get him to eat again at 7am (or 6.30am when he usually wakes).  I tried it a couple of days ago and he was snacking for the entire day and didn't have another good feed at all - he woke twice during the evening as a consequence which is unheard of!  Sometimes I think it's easier not to do a DF as then he'll wake earlier and be hungry when we wake up for the day.  I'll be watching this space for any other advice to help with this!

Kelly x

Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)

Offline estherofi20

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 20:38:54 pm »
i have thougth that too but i'm afraid that if i don't DF, he'll be waking for a feed at 12-1am  :shock: and then again at 4-5ish :shock: . So what i think is that at least I have control of the 11pm feed and i can go to sleep KNOWING  :lol: that he won't wake up until 4-5ish, so it gives me al least 5 or 6 hours of sleep.
But if you do decide to not DF please let me know how it goes.
good luck :D
[img width= height=][/img]  [img width= height=][/img]

Offline magicbelly

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2006, 21:13:15 pm »
i have started the dreamfeed as per the books advice but i am not yet convinced that it makes a difference even though my bub seems to feed.
last night df at 10am, bub woke at 4am talking then crying. i went in, reswaddled and patted her back to sleep. two minutes later crying harder so i thought i would feed one breast only. she had a huge feed first breast came up looking for the next so gave a full feed. she woke again sometime after 6am talking and playing. i got her up at 7am for a short feed. now seeing if she will last to 9am for first nap.
i will let you know how this week ends up.
thanks for the advice.

Offline HeatherC

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2006, 21:29:04 pm »
I stopped the df at 4 mos and dd slept through to 7:30-8 am and has ever since.

As for her not eating well during the day, do you have a quiet, dark place to feed her?  Also, how long is she going between feeds during the day?

If you want to break the 4 am feeding habit, you could try pu/pd.  It will take several nights probably, but if you commit to it, it can work.  Then, after accomplishing that, she'll probably last longer before waking up in the morning as long as she's eating well during the day and the df works out.  If you'd like a reference in the BW book, I'm looking at pgs 120-121.

You want the lo to get a good feed at the df so that they can last through the night.  This would mean stimulating her suck reflex, but when it comes to the point that she just won't suck anymore I'd put her back down.  This is how I knew when my dd was ready to give it up.  She wouldn't barely suck for 5 minutes, and she used to feed for 20-30 at the df (I fed both sides).

Do you want to post a typical day's schedule for us to look at and offer advice?
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline charman

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clarification for EASY when waking overnight - 5.5months
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 21:22:12 pm »
I too am an early night person so my husband gives Georgie's dream-feed between 10/11pm.  (George is a huge 5 month-old.) That does see him through to 7-ish in the morning and for him is still a necessary part of the EASY routine.   What we did find very helpful in getting rid of night-time waking when George was little and shifting from round-the-clock feeding to something more civilised, was Tracey's advice on wake-to-sleep - going in an hour before the usual waking time and gently half-rousing him, then letting him go off again.  It worked like a dream for us.
Good luck!
ELizabeth Charman