Hi Laura,
I'm no expert here, but I think now is not the time to start weaning. Sure, add solids, but do not wean. My understanding is that until about 8 months old, breastmilk or formula should constitute the vast majority of your baby's nutrition. Adding solids from 4 1/2 months (which is exactly what I did) is not an attempt at weaning, instead it is intended to serve a number of purposes:
- introducing the concept of solid food and give lo practice actually eating, rather than sucking
- introduce a variety of flavours (and later, textures)
- provide additional calories for a lo which is growing like a weed
So, you should continue to provide solids, but not to replace milk, but in addition to it. Breast/formula should be given first to quell the hunger, with solids offered afterwards. Initially, volume of solids will be small and the intention will be simply as a learning exercise.
My lo has been taking solids since 4 months, and this week we introduced a second meal (just over 5 months). The variety is increasing, and I am adding slightly more lumpy consistencies. I intend to have him on 3 solid meals by around six months, BUT these are always accompanied by the breast. I will not start reducing the breastmilk intake until he is on a full range of foods which we eat, including dairy and proteins, as I do not believe that with cereal, fruit and veg he will be ingesting sufficient nutrition to sustain him. And I do not think that his digestive system is sophisticated enough yet to introduce those protein based foods. They will be on the menu I expect at around 9 months.