I agree, except that when we did this, the first one or two times we went in, we'd say "stay in your bed, it's time to sleep" or something similar, but the same phrase every time. After two times, we wouldn't say a word, just put her in bed and walk out. We listened outside her room or on the monitor for her to get out of her bed (she'd get louder closer to the door/monitor) and then we'd go in and put her back again. Some people only do it if the child bangs on the door or comes out, but we did it when she got out of bed. Just two different theories. She got it after about 2 nights, but we also hadn't been struggling with it for too long, just about 2 weeks or so where we too thought something was actually wrong (she just got over being sick at the time). Then we figured out she just got old enough to figure out "I crying, mommy come" which is what she'd say when we'd go to her. Good luck!