Author Topic: A time for 6 going on 7 month old??  (Read 2362 times)

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« on: January 08, 2006, 21:41:46 pm »
Just out of curiosity, how much A time do you moms give your 6 1/2 month old??  I give him 2hrs but he doesn't want to go down for a nap right away.


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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 23:14:46 pm »
Hi Sabine, it's me again:)  I looked thru my log and Emily had just started sometimes skipping the catnap and her A times ranged from 2-2.5hrs. 


Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 00:28:33 am »
Thanks...I'll try the longer A time.

Thanks again for your help with the 5 am wakeup thing.  Unfortunately, he has reverted back to the early wakeup despite putting him to bed earlier.  I am at my wits end :roll:  :roll:

I really need that extra hour since I work in the morning.  Any suggestion on how I can stretch it out until 6?

This am, he woke at 5 and I let him talk and babble in his crib until 6 at which point I fed him and he went right back to sleep and so did I (since I was tired) until 7am. 

Any suggestions please????


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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 14:20:38 pm »
Hi Sabine,

Sorry about the early wakeups.  I really think consistency is important.  When you feed him at 6am you have to get him up for the day.  And stick with the 6:30 bedtime.

Also, how are his day naps?  I'm wondering if it's soon time to drop the catnap.

Let me know how tomorrow goes, Tarri

Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2006, 17:06:42 pm »
Hello again,

Well this am he woke at 4 and babbled and talked...I didn't go in.  He fell back asleep as did I.  He then woke at 620 and I fed him and got him up for the day then.

He hasn't been taking the best daytime naps.  They are all 45 minutes.  He doesn't seem interested in the catnap anymore.  I find if he doesn't have a nap he'll go down to bed earlier but if he catnaps he won't go to bed until 730.

I'll try eliminating the catnap and have him in bed before 7pm.  Hopefully things will work themselves out.

One question....if I eliminate his catnap is it okay to put him in bed by 630-645, he usually babbles for 10 minutes anyways before he puts himself to sleep.  B/c solids are given around 615 so it may be even 7 by that okay??


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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2006, 20:07:59 pm »
My son will be 7 months old on the 10th.  He will generally stay up for about 2 1/2 hours at a time, but he still takes his catnap most days b/c he's all played out from daycare.  He usually wakes up at 6:30 or 7 and will go to bed at 6:30 or 7 in the evening.  You should joing our June/July '05 moms message board!
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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2006, 20:13:04 pm »
Hi Sabine,

Good job to your and your lo this morning!

If you drop the catnap you'll probably have to put him to bed even earlier.  I wouldn't stretch it to 7pm and I would say bedtime by 6:30pm.   

It will take some time for him to get used to no catnap, so you might have a cranky baby on your hands around catnap time for a couple weeks.  But stick with the routine and I'm sure you'll find that your naps will get longer again.  It took me a couple weeks to stretch the second A time so that when she woke after the second nap she could make it to bedtime.


Offline charman

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 21:32:03 pm »
Hi Sabine,
Hope things went well today for you both.  Do you still dreamfeed at night?  George (5 1/2 months) definitely still needs that to get him through to 7-ish in the morning. 
You may have tried this already, but when we came home from holiday and George was understandably unsettled and started waking earlier in the mornings.  He'd babble but then get up to crying rather than dropping off again so after a couple days I used wake-to-sleep to reset his habit and it worked well.
Good luck!
ELizabeth Charman

Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 04:56:18 am »
Here is an update...

Mon ate well, 8oz at DF and woke babbling at 4am.  I thought he'd put himself back to sleep but no luck.  He didn't cry and I didn't feed him until 6 am but needless to say he was cranky the whole day and napped terribly.

This am woke again at 4 am but put himself back to sleep until 615.  He ate well again.  I think he is getting enough cals (what do you think??)

BF 615
5oz 10 am
5oz 2pm
8oz 5pm plus supper solids
6oz DF at 1030

Anyways, I am starting to think he is waking out of habit but I am not sure.  I wish he would wake after 6...I feel so much more rested.  If I give formula would that make a difference in how long he sleeps??  He is on EBM only.


Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 11:01:53 am »

What am I going to do :roll: ?

He woke up at 5 am this morning and babbled for 20min. Sometimes he falls back asleep and other times not. I am exhausted as I need to go to work.  I let him talk and he wouldn't go back to sleep so I fed him and now he is up?  What the hell is going on here??

Why won't he just sleep until 6?  What else can I do? I can't keep getting up at 4 and 5 when I need to work the next day.  This was his schedule yesterday...any suggestions as I am at my wits end.

400 wake and babble back to sleep
615 wake BF up for day
715 refused solids
815 nap 2hrs
1015 EBM 5 oz
1230 nap 45 min
230 EBM 5 oz
330 nap (since last nap up at 1)--30 min
500 EBM 4 oz
615 solids (2tblsp cereal and one cube veg)--mix 2 oz EBM from last bottle
630 finish bottle 3oz
700 bed
1030 DF 6 oz

Is it calories/??  I can't up during the day b/c he will refuse when full?? Tried PU/PD...doesn't work.  Doesn't take pacifier.  Wake to sleep??? If so how do I do it??  I don't want to wake up at 3 or 4 when I have to get up for work the next day.   I have let him babble for 2 hours before when up at 4 and he wouldn't go back to sleep.  I was tired and he was cranky the whole day. 

Please help b/c I don't know what else todo


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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2006, 14:37:28 pm »
Hi Sabine,

You're doing really well with letting him babble and letting him sometimes fall back asleep.  And not feeding till after 6:00am and then getting him up for the day.

I really would get him to bed by 6:30pm and no later, I don't think you've kept this up consistently yet.  And you've got to work on stretching that second A time so that the second nap falls later and later and he'll sleep longer than 45mins and then you can work on dropping the catnap.  It is a process that will take some time.

Hope today goes better for you both :D Tarri

Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2006, 17:44:11 pm »
how should my schedule ideaaly look if i do a 6am start with two naps and no catnap??


Offline thitz

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2006, 19:41:52 pm »
Hi Sabine,  there's lots of routines posted at the top of the EASY board for 6-12months.  You'll find that the afternoons will be challenging when you first drop the catnap and as you extend the A time but as he gets used to it you can then move the bedtime out to 6:30pm.  Here's my suggestion:

600 wake BF up for day
700 solids breakfast
800 nap 2hrs
1000 EBM 5 oz
1100 solids lunch
1230 nap 2hrs 
230 EBM 5 oz
430 solids dinner
530 BF
600 bedtime
10:00 df

Offline Sabine

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A time for 6 going on 7 month old??
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2006, 04:06:12 am »
Thanks for the schedule.  Today he was up at 5am and wouldn't go back down so I gave in and fed him and kept him up.

Had his first nap at 715 and MIL came over and followed the schedule to a tee.   :lol: He even had 2 big naps.  I put him in bed by 620 and he was asleep by 640 :wink: .

Just had DF by DH.  Thanks for giving me the schedule...I did check the board but there weren't any for his age at 6am.  Most babes wake at 7 or 730.

Anyhow I will try this and keep you posted.  Thanks for your help and ongoing is so appreciated. :wink:
