Author Topic: help my son wont eat  (Read 1455 times)

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Offline jay jack mummy

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help my son wont eat
« on: January 08, 2006, 21:50:19 pm »
hi everyone i have a ten month old boy who was a fantastic eater but now totally refuses to eat anything off a spoon ive triead finger foods but hes not intrested im at my witts end cause now hes losing weight . but health wise hes fine .as anyone got any suggestions please im worried .thanks belinda  :(

Offline tylersmommy

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help my son wont eat
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 21:53:51 pm »
When you say he's "not interested" in finger foods, what do you mean? Will he eat them off your fingers? Does he pick them up at all? It takes some time for babies to get the hang of finger foods, so it's possible that his lack of interest may just be a matter of him getting used to them.

How long has this been going on? What does his daily routine look like? How is his breast/bottle intake? Hopefully with some more information, we might be able to find some answers!
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Offline jay jack mummy

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help my son wont eat
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 22:02:04 pm »
he  puts the finger foods in his mouth then spits it out .so yes he does no how to feed himself his formula his 8oz in the morning and 8oz at night he wont take anymore .this has been going on for a month now .had  him to our doctors and he says dont worry jack wont starve himself so that doesent help thanks for your reply belinda

Offline ryan's mum

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help my son wont eat
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2006, 22:26:24 pm »
we have been told soo many times " he won't starve himself " yes i do believe it's true but what we found is that sometimes he does refuse food and then we think about that saying and leave it rather than have a battle but if we offer something he likes instead he eats the lot, so therefore he was hungry but didn't want what we offered. our problem is different to yours as ds just has problems with textures.
        have you tried " cheerios " they seem a big hit with most babies as finger foods. i know this isn't a solution to you're problem but it may bring him around to finger foods. have you changed the texture of the food you offer lately. from pureed to lumpy, we managed to get to lumpy food but after a while ds stopped eating and we went back to purees and started over.
       could he be teething, sometimes they go off food during teething .
 i don't have  much advice to offer as our issues with food always circulate around ds reflux but i know it's hard when you can't get them to eat so i thought i would try to help the best i could.
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