i have some thoughts... please keep in mind that i am "talking" much more gently than i know it looks. i tend to write very bluntly and it looks rather harsh, but hey, that's me. :wink:
:arrow: it's a baby's goal in life to continually change sleep patterns for the first 6 months. :? just when you think you've got it worked out, something happens to throw the whole routine off-kilter anyhow - growth spurt, developmental leap, sickness, teething.... all of that must be dealt with to guide your babe back to sleeping all night long
I have changed my routine a bunch of times to try out different things. Bottle closer to bed, bath time change, add food, everythign I can think of. But I have had zero luck.
:arrow: how long did you persist with the change in routine? i am going to assume that you tried the new routine for a couple of days, it didn't work right off, so you tried something else. you can't hope to have success that way. some babies to adjust rapidly, and others are much slower to adapt. trying out something else every couple of days only confuses the baby and still doesn't set up clear nighttime sleep cues for him.
He will scream (but not real screams, but not just little fusses) until we come to see him. We don't have to pick him up, we barely have to do anything, just as long as he can see us. I'm a huge fan of BW, but I have to admit that I'm getting closer to CIO. So pu/pd won't work since he doesn't even need touched.
:arrow: sounds like he just needs some reassurance that you indeed still exist. at that age, if they can't see it, it's not there. i agree, something that smells like mom can do wonders. you might want to consider sleeping on a receiving blanket for a couple nights (& spend lots of quality time in the day with it) to get it full of your scent.
you can also just go to him when he fusses, let him see you (as that's all he seems to need), and when he calms down, walk away. repeat if necessary, as often as necessary. i did a form of this with luke around 8 months, when he started separation anxiety. the first few days, it was a lot of walking, but as he got more comfortable with the idea that mom was always coming back, it took less & less time.
hope this gives you more to work with