Author Topic: how many hours without eating?  (Read 1098 times)

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Offline flame

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how many hours without eating?
« on: January 09, 2006, 18:26:00 pm »
I've been trying to wean my son from his 3 am feed for the last couple of weeks.  He continues to wake up and sometimes will go back to sleep by giving him his teddy and pd, but after 4:30 when he wakes he just cries until I feed him.  I refuse to feed him until it's after 6 (in order to wean him) but that means he'll wake and cry and wake and cry or - this morning-  scream for almost 2 hours.  I'm beginning to think he's not capable of going so many hours without feeding.  He last breastfeed is at 7 and he's asleep by 7:15 - 7:30.  Is it unrealistic to expect him to last until 6?  He's 10 months and 24 pounds.

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how many hours without eating?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 19:29:24 pm »
In theory, a lo should be able to sleep all night at that point.  My first thought is maybe not enough calories during the day/evening?  How is he doing on solids?  How long dose he nurse at night?  My instinct tells me that it would be an easier process to help him go back to sleep during the night rather, than the frequent wake/cry/ sleep.  That would just cause all kinds of upset/ set up for overtired.   Hopefully one of the mommies with an older child  will have more ideas, mine is no where near the point of sleep all night. Other places to check are the prop board, if he is using you to go back to sleep.  And PU/PD to helps teach self soothing stuff.
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Offline flame

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how many hours without eating?
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 20:26:30 pm »
I think- by eaverything I've read - that he should be able to go all night too.  I've tried to feed him more during the day and evening, but he won't take any more.  In fact I've been feeding him until he cries.  He's a good eater generally; I even had to put him into size 4 diapers 'cause his poos are so big!    The reason I decided to stop feeding him at 3 (usually lasted for 10-15 minutes) was 'casue he kept waking up and I thought stopping feeding might stop his constant waking.  No such luck.  I'm really at my wit's end.  I've read T's books so many times I think I have them memorized, but it just doesn't seem to work!?!?!!

Offline Aarismom

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how many hours without eating?
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 20:37:15 pm »
Another few ideas ;)

Have you tried the method of moving the feeding back in time? If he gets up at a specific time at night, you could try to wake him up a half hour earlier every few nights until that feeding disappears or gets to a more reasonable time.

The other thing you could try is to reduce the amount of milk he gets each feed at night. Again, do this over time slowly.

Sonya =P

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Offline flame

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how many hours without eating?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 02:58:06 am »
I moved his 3 am feed by moving it forward in time - to 4 then 5 then 5:45 then dropped over a week and a half.  Never tried moving it back.  hmmm  Started (and continue to) offer water instead of milk as limiting bf just makes him angry