You sound just like me about 4 months ago! My 4-year old was the queen of Nick Jr. and Disney, and I was nearly in tears trying to get my ds to sleep. I would suggest this: relax. Find a way to get him to sleep easily during the day (whether it's in your arms, in the swing, bouncer, etc.), if he won't go down in the cot. I would definitely keep trying, but don't stress. I was told that babies figure out night-sleep first, then day-sleep. So I got my LO to sleep well at night, then around 12 weeks started working on naps. Before then he slept near me, be it on the couch, floor, swing, just so I could still play with my daughter. He also would sometimes fall asleep while eating (and I did not wake him up!). After 12-weeks I got some special toys for my 4-year old to play with while I put ds down, and my goal was 1 nap a day in the crib. Now, he hates to sleep anywhere but the crib!
I really like the bw methods, but they are hard to do sometimes when you have other children vying for your attention. I think what's most important is what works for you. As long as you have well-rested, happy children, and you are happy, you're doing good!