Author Topic: Milk/Solids Queries  (Read 989 times)

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Offline Esme

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Milk/Solids Queries
« on: January 11, 2006, 17:55:09 pm »
My ds is 6 months and we started him on solids 1 week ago.  He enjoys his food but I have a few queries and wondered if anyone can give me some advise.

I am unsure of what time I should be giving him solids and then milk, and which bottles feed I should be dropping.  Here is a list of what we are doing at the moment, I think we are a little off track as I seem to be constantly feeding him something, is this right???

7.30am Milk (only takes 4oz)
10.45am  Milk (does not seem interested - will have 3 to 4 oz)
1.15pm Solids (usually half a jar of savory & same in pudding)
2.30pm Milk (between 5-6oz)
5.00pm Solids (as above - but I think would take more)
6.30pm Milk (6-7oz)
10.30pm Milk (6-7oz)

Please could you let me know if this is right or wheather I need to feed him solids and then milk straight after.

How much milk should he be getting during the day?

Any advise would be appricated, look forward to your reply.


Offline maggieruth

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Milk/Solids Queries
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 18:17:56 pm »
hiya!  i don't know where you live and what recommendations are like there but i can tell you what we did with my ds 2 months ago

firstly, we were told that in the beginning, food is just for building up experience, you only start with a couple of spoonfuls (which could take a half an hour with a baby gleefully letting it dribble down the chin etc!) and that something quite bland is a good start (baby rice which you can mix with whatever milk your lo drinks to a consistency they can manage which you build up to more closely resemble a puree).  That meal happens once a day after a feed, usually breakfast or lunch is best because that way if there are any adverse reactions you have the rest of the day to fix em.  we stayed on baby rice for about a week and then moved on to purees, at the same meal.

purees were introduced one veg at a time for three days to make certain that there were no bad reactions.

when Ethan had a good repitoire of veg and some fruits at breakfast.  we gave him soemthing we knew he already was fine with at dinner. (this was probably our third week of weaning) for both these meals he still got milk too though.

then after that combos of veg and fruit for dessert!

by then we were at 7 months and had started with lunch, which we used to introduce cheese, lentils, breadsticks, rice cakes, wheatabix, readybrek and pasta shapes... obviously with our three day trial for allergies etc this has taken quite a while and brings us to present day!

i am now back at work so Ethan gets a feed at 6am (breast milk),  breakfast(the wheatabix with EBM-2.5 ounces and pureed fruit), a feed at 11:45(breastmilk- i have flexitime to breastfeed) followed by lunch- some veg, a breadstick and some fruit, 3pm-fruit snack, 6pm-breastmilk and dinner(same as lunch!), we feed him again before bed and i give him a dreamfeed!

hope that helps!
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Offline tylersmommy

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Milk/Solids Queries
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 20:42:12 pm »
Hi Esme!

Maggieruth gave you some good advice...hopefully that will help! Remember that it's important to keep your DS's formula intake up. It can be hard to find the right balance of bottles and solids, but formula should be his main source of nutrition for several more months. It doesn't matter how many bottles he takes, as long as he get around 24-32 oz per day. You may find that he naturally drops a bottle on his own, but if he doesn't, that's okay. I think we dropped the late evening feed (10:30 PM) when Tyler lost interest in it around 7 mo.

For some good sample feeding schedules, take a look in the EASY forum for his age group. You'll see all kinds of different ways of fitting solids into the day, and those should give you some idea of what his day might look like. HTH!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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