Author Topic: Jars v Home cooking  (Read 1038 times)

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Jars v Home cooking
« on: January 11, 2006, 18:03:13 pm »
Dear All


I started weaning my seven month old dd at 5 months.  Everything went wonderfully well, and we made the transitin to three meals and three bottles no problem at all.

We have started to introduce little pieces of soft food by buying the next stage jars, and this has started to work well after the initial spitting out period!!

However, this last weekend I spent the afternoon doing some home cooked purees etc, I blended them so they were a nice consistency, but she wont have anything to do with them..!!  Tonight she got herself in such a state and as soon as I gave her a jar, she was fine.

Any advice please!!  Do I keep trying every day as I have been doing with the home cooked stuff and hoping that she will eventually take it?


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Jars v Home cooking
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 18:17:40 pm »
I would suggest that you mix a little bit of homemade puree in with the jar and over the days just keep increasing the ration of homemade vs jars until you eliminate bought baby food. You do have to go slowly though.
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