Author Topic: Sleeping too late in the morning??  (Read 938 times)

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Offline gwc1023

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Sleeping too late in the morning??
« on: January 11, 2006, 23:03:26 pm »
I"ve been reading through some other posts of babies the same age as Abby and something new has occured to me...  I generally let her sleep as long as she wants to in the morning, reasoning that I don't want her to start off the day overtired.  Is it possible that not having an exactly consistent wake-up time is part of what's messing up her evenings?

She goes to bed about 7-7:30, and she's been waking and crying consistently from about 9:15 - 10:00, when I usually give in and give her the DF.  Then she's up once or twice more to feed, and often sleeps til 8:30-9:00.  Should I be waking her earlier than this??  I can't imagine trying to keep her up any later at night, she's just about exhausted by the time I put her to bed most nights.  I'm paranoid that waking her up in the mornings will start off her day cranky, and that's often the only time of the day she's really happy! 

Saw another post referring to having around 8.5hrs of awake time during the day, and I don't think she gets that much - maybe 11 hours up less three naps of (in theory) at least an hour each, makes 8 or less.  Is it possible that she's not been awake enough during the day to settle in the evening even though she appears so tired?
Dawn mommy to Gavin (5/2/02), Abby (7/8/05), and Rachel (5/28/07)

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Sleeping too late in the morning??
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 19:53:39 pm »
*personally* i think it helps set their biorhythm if they're up by a certain time each day.  what i mean is... if luke's up at 7am, that's fine, but if he wants to keep sleeping i let him.  but i will get him up by 8am, or he'll never get his naps in before it's time for bed again at 8pm. 

doing that keeps his naps around the same time everyday too, so his body gets used to the day following a certain pattern, and then he knows when it's time for bed too.

my 2 cents, fwiw!   :wink:
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Offline gwc1023

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Sleeping too late in the morning??
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 21:08:11 pm »
Thanks!  I don't think I will start waking her at a set exact time every day, but I think I'll narrow the window a little bit.  i.e. wake her by 8:30 instead of 9.  You're right that then I can try to get her naps more by the clock which I think they should be heading towards at her age and hopefully that will help her out as well.
Dawn mommy to Gavin (5/2/02), Abby (7/8/05), and Rachel (5/28/07)