Author Topic: need more sleep details please  (Read 918 times)

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Offline Gage and Sophie's Mom

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need more sleep details please
« on: January 12, 2006, 01:08:57 am »
I am trying to help my son distiguish days from nights again, and I still have some questions.

1. At his age he needs 5 hrs of nap sleep. Does it matter what form this comes in the begining? For example, 45 min nap or 3 hr nap etc.,

2. When does the day time sleep stop and night start? Is it after I put him to bed, then can I start counting night hrs? Even if he wakes an hour later?

3. If he wakes 2 hrs before "morning wake time", and he falls asleep does this count as a nap?

4. Is this 5 hours in a 12 hr period? and 10 hrs of night in a 12 hr period?

I am going to try to wake him everyday at 8am and asleep by 8pm, but I know things will get shaky, and I may need to adjust.

Offline Aarismom

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need more sleep details please
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 04:01:10 am »
Heya, me again :)

To basically sum it up, night sleep begins when your lo says it begins, which is biorhythmically different from day sleep. Technically, the night biorhythm is influenced by the dark/light cycle of the day, and is based on when your lo's last nap ended, how tired they are, etc. So it usually kicks in anytime after 5 pm (when it starts to get dark). So putting your lo down anytime after 5 pm spawns the possibility of sleeping through the night, because melatonin kicks in when it's dark (among other things).

But then, the biorhythm is also a genetic thing that doesn't really take shape until after about 4 months, when night and day sleep finally finish development. After that happens, a pattern usually develops, and you can usually use their morning wake up time (assuming it's around the same time every day) as a target bedtime at night, and fit naps in between. Some take a short nap after 5 pm and go to bed at 8. That's fine as long as they are getting 10-12 hours of sleep before they are "up for the day" (meaning no "A" time aside from a possible feeding, then immediately back to bed).

If he happens to wake at say, 6 am, and falls back to sleep, this still counts as night sleep. Technically speaking (although the research jury is still out on this one), the 1st nap taken in the am is actually a continuation of night sleep, even though it happens after some "A" time. The biorhythm readout for that sleep period is about the same as it is in the early morning hours...filled with lots of REM sleep, whereas the afternoon nap is filled with deeper sleep, and has a different rhythm.

Finally, bedtime/wake time is habitual. So can nap time. The body adjusts as something becomes if you put your lo to bed at around 8 pm every night, and they get up at 8 am every morning (although that time is really biorhythmical and is hard to change), their biorhythm will adjust to it in time.

Biorhythmically, the best times for naps are around 9 am and 1 pm, give or take an hour on each side. But you need to really base your nap times on how long your lo has been up; usually the best chance for a long nap (and good, quality sleep) falls within those time slots though.

Even more technical is that the quality of sleep counts more than the amount of sleep. How do you know if he's getting enough sleep? Use his behavior. If he's his normal self, he's getting enough sleep. If he's cranky, not interested in learning, dependant on you to keep him busy when he's normally not, etc. he's probably not getting quality sleep, even if he's just taken a 1.5 hour nap.

I'm not sure if much of this is going to answer your questions (as much as confuse you lol), but I hope it helps a little :P

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

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need more sleep details please
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 04:29:51 am »
Wow! Thanks for the taking the time to explain this stuff to me. As far a melatonin goes, Gage and I NEVER leave the house due to his short A time. Do you think I need to get him out more? Also, we live in Washington State where sunshine is few and far between. :roll:

Offline Aarismom

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need more sleep details please
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 16:14:48 pm »
You can if you wish :) There is some research support that taking your lo for a walk in the early afternoon hours helps promote sleep. It's always a good idea to get them out of the house for a bit, if nothing else just as some down time for you :P

Sonya =P

Texbook/Angel LO
April 26, 2005

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need more sleep details please
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 18:56:35 pm »
One more question... Lets just say the first nap is a continuation of night sleep, how long should I let him sleep? It seems he could sleep for another 3 hrs :shock: I think it is because he is tired from being up EVERY 3 hours at night :roll: I jsut dont want him to sleep too much, but it seems that he starts off the day too tired and his 2 nd nap is only 45 min. This is an endless cycle!