Author Topic: when in the day did you introduce food?  (Read 1228 times)

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when in the day did you introduce food?
« on: January 12, 2006, 09:35:21 am »
I have been giving DD baby rice for 5 days and she is loving it.  I give it 1 hour after her 2nd bottle of the day and this seems to work for her - she isn't too full, not too hungry and not tired.  my question though is whether this is right?  and then when do you introduce a second meal into the day?

I would really appreciate any eating plans that you might have to share with me

thanks  :D
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when in the day did you introduce food?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 09:42:25 am »
I give my DD solids about 10.30am then follow up with bottle cause she is always hungry then and then again about 5pm.  I will start to introduce another solid in the morning at 7am, then at 11am and then 5pm.  So I will only have to move the 11am to a more reasonable time at lunchtime when she can stay awake that long.

I hope this helps.
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when in the day did you introduce food?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 16:59:12 pm »
I just started my lo on solids (rice cereal only for now) about a week ago, and the first couple days we tried dinnertime, around 6:00pm. That did NOT work, he screamed the whole time and wanted nothing to do with it. The next day I tried at noon, and it was a huge success! I then tried again at dinnertime and the same result. I think that's just too late in the day and he's too tired for it in the evening right now.

So what I'm getting at is that I don't think there's a right or wrong time per say, you just need to find the time that your lo is alert and happy and interested in it - whatever works!
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when in the day did you introduce food?
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 17:44:17 pm »
Colin Mac's Mom- its probably just as well that your lo is more interested in an earlier feed, here they recommend new foods for breakfast or lunch because that way if your lo reacts to what you give them, you have daytime angst rather than nightime trouble. 
we did breakfast and then dinner because it was when we were home!  (we like to be out and about!)
our dinners were always tried and true food (i.e. ds had eaten it three days straight without reacting!)
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Offline EmMUK74

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when in the day did you introduce food?
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 19:21:14 pm »
thanks for the input.  I thought I had messed it up today because I was at the doctors an hour after her 2nd feed and so had to give it after her catnap (about 30 mins before her lunch bottle).  well it still seemed to go down well and she ate her whole bottle after and napped perfectly.  I guess she will allow me to be more flexible than I give her credit for.
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