Author Topic: distinguishing cries, esp. hungry v. overtired?  (Read 1294 times)

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distinguishing cries, esp. hungry v. overtired?
« on: January 12, 2006, 11:53:45 am »
I've just finished reading the first book and have started working on E.A.S.Y. with my 1 month old son. I realize that I've been over-feeding him (which I actually realized BEFORE reading the book), but I can't figure out how to tell when he's full before he stuffs himself. He tends to usually cry after a feeding, but I can't tell when it's because he's overly stuffed, has gas, is still hungry (occasionally this is the case and he needs to eat a little more), or is just tired. Any hints for distinguishing cries? Seems like all of his cries involve back-arching and limb-flailing, so I just don't know. Thanks for any advice!
Gayle (29)
Mommy to:
Reagan, born 9/15/03
Ryan, born 9/15/03
Cade, born 12/8/05

Offline Noelle

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distinguishing cries, esp. hungry v. overtired?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 14:51:33 pm »
Hi Gayle  :D

Congrats on your little one  :D

In the first few months, it can be tricky to distinguish the cries.  As far as overfeeding goes, that is mainly geared toward when moms feed the baby every time he/she cries.  If you are feeding every 2-3 hours, then he is probably not overfeeding.  However, if he seems to be crying after every feed I would check out the reflux board.  That is one symptom of reflux.  My babies never had it so not a lot of experience there, sorry.  :( 

How long is he awake before taking a nap?  A typical 1 month old probably has an awake time of 45 minutes to 1 hour.  If he's up longer, I would  assume he is overtired.   At this young of age, I would try to put him down for a nap after the first yawn, definitely no later than the third.

If you haven't read Tracy's 3rd book, I highly recommend it.  It has a lot of problem/solutions.  Her first book is more of an overview of her theories with some how to's.  But the third is mostly all how to's.  HTH

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom