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No set routine-- HELP!
« on: January 12, 2006, 18:29:08 pm »
DS is 6mos old and we still have no set routine.  The main problem is that he wakes up at various times in the morning (btwn 5-8am) and takes inconsistent naps (40min- 1.5hrs).

I'd like to get him on a more "strict" routine, but what do I do if he wakes up @ 5am instead of the scheduled time of 7am? 
When he wakes up he cries until he eats so then the feeding times even get thrown off.  I've tried to treat it as a night waking, but most early mornings he wants nothing to do with sleeping-- he's just had enough.

Or what if he takes a 40min nap instead of the normal 1.5hrs?  He can't go more than about 2.25hrs in btwn naps...

The only thing that seems to stay consistent is his bedtime of 7:15- 7:30pm.

As you can tell I'm getting frustrated!  :?  It's just so hard to plan anything else when we have no routine throughout the day.

Help!  TIA!

Offline Gage and Sophie's Mom

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No set routine-- HELP!
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2006, 04:27:24 am »
Hi I am not sure I can help a whole bunch, but I am going through something similar. As you already know the most important thing is to establish consistent wake and bed times. Look on the bright side you already have half of that done  :D Since your lo is going to bed between 7 & 7:30pm. Your lo should wake at between 7 & 7:30 am. I know, "Duh, but how do we get there?"

This is the sucky part. I am going through this right now. Anything before this time (within reason) is considered night, and you have to try to get him to sleep even if it is only for 20 min. Then back up again at his wake time regardless. This is tough as he might be really tired, but keep consistent. I feed Gage at this time and get him dressed as a cue that it is day time. Also, if he is really cranky I put him back to bed after the morning activities. This is also his longest nap of the day because he has been tired. So far it hasnt been that bad. Gage woke up at 8am on his own today :shock:

Also it is important to establish a nap and bedtime routine. It doesnt have to be anything fantsy, just consistent. Our bedtime and nap routines are a little different so that he knows the difference ( this is still a work in progress). If you need examples, I can help.

This will take time. Start with the wake time and sleep routines, and everything will fall in line later. Keep your chin up :D

Good luck

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No set routine-- HELP!
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2006, 04:42:39 am »
Oh, also do you dream feed? This might help with the early wakening. Or if you absolutely have to feed, maybe just do a few ounces just to get him through until the "real feed". I dont know if that is accidental parenting or not, but it might work :wink:

Also, do you know how long your lo "should" be up between naps? This will help you kind of figure out what the time frame will be between naps, and you can write out a "rough" schedule. This will prob. be the first of the MANY schedules you write out as los are always changing. Be sure to be flexible within reason. I am sorry, I dont know what his A time should be as my lo is 4 mths. There is a link somewhere around here or one of the mod will certainly know.

With Gage there is a very fine line between under and over tired (I am still working on this). Either one will cause short naps. Maybe this is what is going on with your lo?

I am sorry if you know all of this already. :oops:  I am jsut brainstorming.

Offline Deb_in_oz

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No set routine-- HELP!
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2006, 04:57:12 am »
Hi Mary

I want to say that i agree that having a consistent wake and bedtime is important but want to reassure you that your lo wake up does not have to be 7am!  not too many of us are lucky enough to have those babies that do 12 hours every night. that is an ideal night but many babies sleep 10-12 hours and many babies no matter what you do have their own internal waking set for 6 or 6:30 am and nothing is going to encourage them to sleep until 7  :D so don't feel like you are doing something necessarily wrong if lo never achieves 12 hours  :wink:

now about your questions:
Quote (selected)
I'd like to get him on a more "strict" routine, but what do I do if he wakes up @ 5am instead of the scheduled time of 7am?
When he wakes up he cries until he eats so then the feeding times even get thrown off. I've tried to treat it as a night waking, but most early mornings he wants nothing to do with sleeping-- he's just had enough.
you have to set some boundaries for him and yorself and stick with them. for me i decided (and this is a common one) that 6am was the earliest i woudl start the day so anything before then i woudl feed like a night feeding and try to get lo back to sleep.  if my dd's woke at 6:10 i woudl just start the day as i thought after 11 hrs sleep they had obviously had enough.  if you want 7 am to be the earliest than the only way would be to treat everythign else as nightwaking and work at getting ds back to sleep after the feed even if itresults in only 20 min more sleep and then wake up to start the day. you just have to make a choice but be prepared for some compromise if lo is one of those that will not be resettled at 6am no matter what.

with EASY because it is a routine and not a schedule you do need to be flexible in the sense that if he starts at 6:15 that day you can plan for that day a bit because you have a rough idea of his A times (so woudl know approximately when he needs to go down for naps and be home etc) and work around that. soon enough you may find he starts to regulate himself enough that you coudl impose set nap times (this can develop in the 6-9 mo window) so even if he wakes at 6:30 one day and 7am the next his first nap might be 9am for a few months etc and then you canplan things around his set A times

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Or what if he takes a 40min nap instead of the normal 1.5hrs? He can't go more than about 2.25hrs in btwn naps...
if he only takes a 40 min nap are you trying to extend for a while or are you just getting him up as soon as hewakes- you could seek specific help on the nap board and/or read some of the announcementsont hat board for some guidance.

if you are not extendign or he refuses to extend and you get him up, then you tweak the next cycle of EASY - so if he is not hungry yet because of short S time, you woudl then have A times before and after eating so you end up with a cycle of AEASY.  this is something that again might go away in the coming months

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The only thing that seems to stay consistent is his bedtime of 7:15- 7:30pm.
like PP said this is a really good thing - if bedtine stays cosistent and you have a solid evening routine and he sleeps thorugh then you are just waiting for the morning to settle into a routine and this is part of it - so that he has that consistent base each night. some people have found that (if anythign) putting lo down earlier results in later wake time (rather than keeping them up...)

also if day starts earlier than usual you can often stretch the last A time successfully to keep lo bedtime routine the same

hope some of this helps - i do think the next month or 2 will be when he starts to set regular daytime patterns.
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline Gage and Sophie's Mom

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No set routine-- HELP!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2006, 06:00:27 am »
Hi Debinoz! Does this mean I have it wrong. I am getting conflicting info., and I dont know what to do either. I have the same prob. except Gage is waking every 3 hours at night. I cant get him to stay asleep at bedtime. Maybe 12 hours is too much for him. I am trying to extend his A time. We have gone from 45 min to 1 hr. 15 min and it has been VERY bumpy! I need help.  I am sorry I dont mean to hijack :oops:

Offline Deb_in_oz

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No set routine-- HELP!
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2006, 06:40:23 am »
as far as how much night sleep - the info is averages and there is no set rule beyond aiming for 10-12 hours - a lot of babies do 11 hrs+ and a few even do 13 hours - same as naps it varies depending on your lo needs. i think when it is a big battle to get them back down in the morning at 6-6:30 that is them telling you they had enough sleep. up to each individual how hard they want to perservere with making wake up 7-8am.

everything in the BW is done on a 7-7 time frame but (as i say many times) it is a guide (Tracy had to select some figures to use for consistency in her explanations and descriptions - i do not believe that she was meaning for all babies to ru on 7-7 timeframe) . not all babies do 2hrs A time at 4 mo,not all babiues will sleep 9-11. etc and that is fine - taking a 1.5hr nap is not failing at taking a 2hr nap - it is a great nap etc. and a child that goes to sleep at 7 and wakes at 6:30 has slept 1 1/2 hrs which is awesome.  HTH
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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