Author Topic: Help with cluster feeding  (Read 1690 times)

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Offline Pusskin

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Help with cluster feeding
« on: January 15, 2006, 21:15:48 pm »
I have read the other post on it but am brainfugged with tiredness as my wee lass is being an utter grotmonster at the moment. I think I got it right once but for the life of me I can't remember what I did! our routine is like this currently:

7am bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
7.30 activity
8am sleep
10am bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
10.30 activity
11am sleep
1pm bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
1.30pm activity
2pm sleep (usually out and about for this one so she gets a good blast of fresh air)
4pm bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
4.30 activity
5pm sleep
6pm bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
6.30 bath & massage
7pm attempt to get her to sleep and usually fail
8pm / 9pm depending on sleep: bottle (offer 5 oz she takes between 3 & 4)
10pm / 11pm depending on earlier: dreamfeed (offer 4oz and she takes 2 usually)

She wakes at about 1.30 and 4 am for feeds at night but does re settle (usually) quite quickly. Where am I going wrong at night...

Please help as the evenings are wearing me and my husband (cat doesn't look too amused either) into the ground.
Puss & Phoebe

Offline Noelle

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2006, 21:49:09 pm »
Hello!!  :D

With how your routine looks (which looks great btw), the one thing that I would try changing is after her bath and massage, I would then offer the bottle again right before bedtime (around 7-7:30).  It sounds like you may be having a little trouble getting her to sleep at 7.  I'm wondering if maybe the bath and massage are stimulating her too much.  By offering a bottle at this time it acts as a clusterfeed and may help to relax her for sleep.  I always put my kids to sleep awake for their naps, so for the bedtime one, if they fell asleep while eating, I was ok with that. 

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Pusskin

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2006, 22:14:03 pm »
Thanks... yes that might help. I don't think it is the bath and massage that over stimulates but she hates me getting her dressed in her gro afterwards red face screaming banshee as soon as the nappy goes on and only stops when the swaddle is done but by then she has woken herself up again! Would it be worth offering say 3oz at 6pm and then 3oz at 7 so I don't waste too much. Would I then offer a further cluster feed at 8/9?

This parenthood thing is soo confusing!

thanks again!
Puss & Phoebe

Offline Noelle

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2006, 22:20:20 pm »
Quote from: Pusskin
Would it be worth offering say 3oz at 6pm and then 3oz at 7 so I don't waste too much. Would I then offer a further cluster feed at 8/9?

Yes, you could absolutely try this. :D   For the daytime bottles, I would offer 4 instead of 5 to help with the waste.  When she starts finishing the bottle, then add another ounce.  I would do the same for the 6 and 7pm bottles.  If she is finishing 3 ounces, I would offer 4.  I would probably still try to put her to sleep after the last bottle at 7.  If she isn't asleep, then you could offer again at 8/9. 

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Pusskin

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2006, 08:53:22 am »
Thanks again... you are an angel.

I did something right last night as she slept from 9ish until 3am so a bit of a break through (and saviour of my sanity!)

Will try this tonight as I will be less frazzled an angel of mercy is coming to have her for the day to give me a break (bit of a meltdown about everything yesterday) so I should be nice and rested and ready to try a decent cluster feed!
Puss & Phoebe

Offline Noelle

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2006, 15:07:03 pm »
Yay - keep us posted!!  :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Pusskin

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Help with cluster feeding
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2006, 20:29:42 pm »
GAH! That didn't work, offered bottle at 6pm and she took 2 1/2 oz, had a nice bath and massage (usual melt down on application of nappy to bum) and it was 7pm so I offered another bottle... 3 sips and she spat it out so I thought ok lets just try sleep then... down she went in seconds (yay!) 20 minutes later she is awake and looking like someone slipped her an expresso  :shock:  :roll: . offered her another bottle (ok the same one) and nope didn't want it so now my husband is up there shh patting until he is blue the face with a baby who still looks like this:  :shock:. About to go and take over so he can have his dinner but am very bemused as to what Phoebe wants and why she won't sleep!

Puss & Phoebe