I only sterilized bottles/teats the first time I used them and then just put them in the dishwasher on a high temperature. My bub is now almost 6 months and I don't even do that now. The literature I read advised that if you have clean, drinkable town water, then there should be no need to sterlize, and I just ran with that.
I personally think there is too much emphasis on anti-bacterial this, germ free that, that really we're raising our kids to be so germ phobic that if there were to ever be an outbreak of some sort (disease or otherwise), it's those kids who have constantly had things sterlized and have never been exposed to germs, that will suffer most. You have to build up their immunity somehow.
Having said that, I think if you take the route of non-sterlization, you should keep an eye out to make sure your LO copes with it ok. I can't say I've ever had any problems.