Author Topic: 5 month old eating less!  (Read 2541 times)

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5 month old eating less!
« on: January 17, 2006, 00:16:54 am »
Hi again!.  My five month old has always been a bad eater.  He had been eating 3-4 ounces about 5 times a day, and a month ago he started eating much better, from 5 to 6 ounces.  Problem is, the last few days he went back to eating three ounces and it has me worried.  How can i make him eat more, or what could be happening that he all of a sudden is getting full with less formula.

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5 month old eating less!
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2006, 01:11:46 am »
Hi! Do you speak spanish? Mine did the same at same age. See some teeth coming around? Any new development milestone? Is he sick? Or is probably going to catch up? Are you feeding every four hours? Solids? Can you post your routine and maybe someone can help out.  Where are you from?
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Offline margarita

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5 month old eating less!
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2006, 01:55:14 am »
YEs i do speak spanish.  I'm from Guatemala! Are you from Mexico City?  I think some teeth will be coming soon cause he is drooling a lot and uses everything he sees to scratch his gums.  I can't see them yet though! I hope he's catching anything cause he just got out of adenovirus two weeks ago. I'm feeding every 3 a special soy formula with hidrolized protein, so he hasn't started solids because of his sensitive stomach. Should i be pushing for 4 hours so he eats more?  How can I do that, he seems really hungry at 3 hours.  Can I give him water?

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5 month old eating less!
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2006, 03:03:31 am »
Si soy de Mexico. No soy experta en estos temas pero segun yo despues de los 4 meses de edad deberian comer cada 4 horas. Siento mucho lo de la enfermedad, pero estoy segura que pronto se va a recuperar. Pide a yuda en este foro que esta en español y hay muchas latinas con experiencia que conocen mas. De hecho hay una de Guatemala. Te recomiendo ahi escribas el caso pues te contestan super rapido. Creo que el nombre fue lo que me hizo preguntarte si hablabas español ademas de la forma de escribir... en fin tienes el libro de la niñera... ahi viene como hacerle para cambiarlo a 4 horas, pero te repito no se si eso sea lo adecuado por la enfermedad que tuvo.  Pon el mismo mensaje en español y veras. Esta es la direccion del foro. Si no puedes entrar en General esta BW en español y ahi es... Saludos.
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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5 month old eating less!
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2006, 03:06:05 am »
i would personally push it to every 4 hrs and if u need to give water to tide him over then that's fine too.  i agree that it's probably teething, dd did the exact same thing...and she has never been a great eater either since her third month..she's 7 months and still only takes 3-5 ounces per feed and usually it's around 3 1/2 so don't feel bad..maybe your lo has a small stomach too.  i did stress about the amount of intake of milk cuz everyone always talks about how much of a pig their lo's are and how they eat 7-8 ounces - that would be absolutely impossible for her!  anyways, it could be that when your lo did take more milk he was going through a growth spurt...same happened here.  as long as your lo is gaining weight and healthy i wouldn't worry about it...i know it is easier said than done sometimes. :wink:
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