Life would be so grand and perfect if only my little man would just STAY asleep! He goes to sleep so easily for each nap and at bed time, problem is, he won't stay that way and is usually up between 30-45 minutes later, and for naps generally won't sleep past that time, no matter how hard I try to convince him! And after bedtime in the evenings, he will wake back up and go back to sleep for a minute, then wakes up, back to sleep for a minute, for what seems to be forever! Needless to say, it's very frustrating, and we don't know what to do, as I don't think it's because he is over tired or over stimulated anymore ( due to better napping over the last few days ). Tracy's book says it's because he is over tired or stimulated, but I don't really think that's the problem!
Any ideas as to why he is doing this?? Oh, he is almost 16 weeks and used to be such a swell little sleeper, up until about a month ago....sigh. Poor Heather, :lol: