Author Topic: how much cereal for reflux baby?  (Read 2133 times)

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« on: January 18, 2006, 07:40:41 am »
Our 3-month old twin girls both have reflux and are on prevaced.  We are also adding rice cereal to bottles of EB.  We are struggling w/ how much cereal to add.  Our ped. recommended a teaspoon per ounce.  This doesn't seem to be very thick.  Reflux is still present even w/ cereal and medicine.  Any thoughts?

Also, our girls often will wake after 4-hours and take 0.5 oz.  Has anyone else experienced this.  We usually persist and try to get a full feed (usually 3-4 oz - on a good day). It can take upwards of 30-minutes to finish a feed (only to get 3 or 4 oz).  Our girls are both about 12 lbs.  What is going on here.  We read about 4, 5, 6 or 7 oz bottles for 3-month olds.  We are thrilled w/ 4, even if it takes 45 minutes!  Any similar experiences or advice would be much appreciated.

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 10:17:52 am »
Hi Hun

Sorry, I don't have any reflux experience but wanted to suggest you post this in the colic and reflux forum as well.


Offline Seona1973

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 19:54:13 pm »
If you are adding cereal, have you compensated for the thicker milk by using a teat/nipple with a larger hole?


Offline teezee

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 20:06:05 pm »
sometimes reflux babies will take smaller amount so their tummies aren't so full at once.  my dd is that way.  she's 7 months and barely takes 4-5 ounces so don't beat yourself up about it and don't try to push them to take more.  instead wait an hour or two and try again.  u may have night wakings to get feedings in but that's what u have todeal with having a reflux's hard enough with one, i can't even imagine with two.  good will get better, one day at a time...definately check the reflux board though..very, very helpful!
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline AlecsMom

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 01:48:16 am »
I can definitely relate.  My ds is 10 weeks, 12.5 lbs and only drinks between 14-17 ounces a day.  We are lucky when he drinks 3 oz in less than 40 minutes.  We are still experimenting with medication as the Zantac and Pepcid did not seem to help much.  We also thicken his formula with rice cereal.  I am putting in 2 tablespoons per 4 oz.   My doctor said that I could go as much as 6 tablespoons per 4 oz. I think that seems like an awful lot though.  The rice cereal has resolved his dysphagia (swallowing disorder) but I am not sure if it has really helped with the reflux. 

We also have feeds where he will only eat an oz or so.  I have now made a point to wait until he is really acting hungry to feed him.  Prior, I was trying to feed him every 3 hours and then every 4.  He wasn't hungry and it would end up being a big waste of time and very frustrating for me.  So I have just accepted that there is no routine with him and he will eat every 2-5 hours.  This works much better and he drinks between 2-4oz per feeding which is great for him.

Offline teezee

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 02:14:09 am »
just a word of caution, i know some dr's recommend cereal by spoon or in a bottle early for reflux..and i am NO EXPERT just giving my personal experience with a lo with reflux and it not only didn't help but made the matter worse as her digestive system was immature (reason for the reflux) and it just gave me a handful of new problems to deal with.  as for the zantac, how long has your lo been on it?  i know it actually took a good month before it really seemed to make a whole lot of difference in dd and she still didn't eat that much or have a real schedule for awhile after that.  are u guys bfing or formula?  if u are bfing than u should try and feed sooner than 5 hrs cuz your supply will dry up otherwise.  can also try pumping and feeding lo by bottle in a more upright position...
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 02:15:22 am »
Hi!... Oh yes... Been there...  I added 1 formula spoon (the ones that come in the formula can) of rice cereal  to 3 ounces of milk. And yes you need to use a faster flow nipple, I´m still using # 3 of Dr. Brown and # 3 of Avent too. Dd spent 1 hour with 3 oz cause of the nipple and then she stop drinking because she knew it was hard for her to get milk out of the bottle, she was no longer interested until I change her nippple.  And yes they usually eat less, when they get used to medicine things will get better just be patient... I know its easier to say. Any question I´m here. You need to keep trying until you find the exact amount for your twins and same with hipples, you need to try and try over and over until they feel comfortable. Keep it up!!! Remeber to burp every 2 or 3 ounces in orther to get them more comfortable.
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2006, 02:36:55 am »
Hi.  We have sooo been there.  My little guy spent months battling the bottle, and it wasn't uncommon for him to take 1/2 oz after not having eaten for hours, either.  It is the pits...   :(   

Will they sleep feed?  It can start a terrible habit, and ishould only be used if you are worried about their hydration or weight, but sometimes refluxers will do better eating while sleeping.   

Our pediatric GI recommended we use 1 Tbs per ounce, but we really experimented to find the right consistency.  It did take a lot of trial and error to find the right flow nipple also.  Some parents use a non-cereal thickener like 'Thicken It" if the rice cereal seems to be causing problems.  Not sure if your doctor has mentioned that...

How long have they been on the Prevacid? 
{{{HUGS}}}  Things WILL get better...

Offline teezee

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2006, 02:57:09 am »
sheila - does nathan still have issues with reflux??  seeing is he is over a year now?  i feel so bad for dd since 3 months she seems to get sick once a month for about 6 hrs, just throwing up mucus...dr says its cuz of reflux and just wanted to know how long i should expect to have to watch her go through this?
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline NKmommy

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how much cereal for reflux baby?
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 03:19:43 am »
Hi Tawnya,
I am sorry she is not doing well.   :(   I have never heard of the once a month episodes like that...  That must be heartbreaking to watch. 

Nathan is just about a recovered refluxer (thank God!).  He started to slowly improve at around 8 mos, and at around 11 mos, we started to slowly wean him off his meds.  He has now been off all medication for about 2 mos, and so far so good.  He still has wet burps once every day or two, but nothing like his early days. 

Hang in there!  I hope you see improvements soon!