It could be something like molars or a growth spurt that are making him do this.
I wouldn't recommend letting him cry,it only really makes it worse.
you could try PD,which is similar to PU/PD but instead of picking him up,you just lay him
straight back down.I would recommend going out of the room once you have laid him down
and counting to 10,then go back in,lay him down,go out,count to 10,go back in,lay him down
etc and carry on until he stops crying.Stop counting when he stops crying and don't go in
to check on him when it goes quiet.
The first night really is the worse,it took emily 50 minutes,the second night took about 30 minutesish
then after that it was fantastic.
Persevere for at least 7-10 days and keep it consistent.The screaming initially will drive you potty
but I assure you it will get better