What we have found works great with our 2.5 yo is to talk about "expectations" so when we are "changing" things we talk ALOT about it.
So when he moved to a bed, he knew what was happening, we put a light on a timer & he "knew" he could get out of bed then, simply because we had practiced it.
SO what I would do if it were us... start talking about what happens with you get home at night, have the expectation that he wants to see you as he has missed a good part of the day with you, so tell him when you get home from work at 11.45pm you will go into his room & say hello & give him a cuddle & stay with him until he falls asleep, but he is not allowed to come out of his room... do that for a couple of weeks & then tell him how you are going to change it... I am thinking what you might find is if you get into the habit of saying hi when you get home & kissing him & telling him you love him etc, he may just start to "stir" & not even wake up properly.
At 2.5 yo they really do "cotton on" to things, so if you talk about it during the day... we have "chat time" with ds#1 & when dh puts him to bed they "de-breif" on the day & talk about what is happening the next day... by me telling dh he also knows about our day & works really well for us. Also we use that time to "prepare" for upcoming changes, like holidays & people staying etc.
So I'd also get your dh to tell him at bed time "exactly" what the new rules are & when he does it the "old" way DON'T get angry, just say "remember what we told you was going to happen tonight...so lets do that... then when he follows, praise him by saying "thank you for remembering" etc
The one thing I find with my 2.5yo is "being the boss" rarely works... so I have to "guide & praise" to help him in the right direction
Hope that helps