Hi there,
Can anyone help me? My daughter (now 6 months) was sleeping through the night from approx 7.30pm until 6.00am at about 3 1/2 months. In the last 2/3 weeks she has started waking during the evenings and through the night niggling and if not attended to escalates to crying; typically she goes to sleep at about 7.30pm then wakes around 8.30pm, goes back to sleep by about 9.15pm. I dream feed at approx 9.30pm then she might wake at about 11.30pm, 1.00am, 4.00am (not necessarily the same times every night). There is no pattern as such but she is normally waking between 3 and 5 times from her bed time until morning. I go into her room and sometimes my hand on her tummy is enough to settle her then after about 5 mins I remove my hand, sit for a further 5 mins by which time she's back to sleep but sometimes I have to cuddle her on my shoulder to settle her. The evening wakings take much longer to settle her, sometimes up to an hour, whereas the 1am's generally only take about 5-15 minutes. I have no idea why she suddenly can't get back to sleep by herself and needs comforting. I'm worried that this is becoming a habit as it's been going on for about 3 weeks now. A lot has happened in her little life recently, e.g. solids have been introuduced, she has moved into the big cot in her own room (however, the first night in her own room she slept from 7.40pm - 8.00am) and she has started teething but if at bedtime she shows signs of 'teethy chops' as we call it, then we give her some calpol to go to bed with. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatfully received.