Author Topic: Need Help Tweaking Last Bottle  (Read 1224 times)

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Need Help Tweaking Last Bottle
« on: January 24, 2006, 14:05:53 pm »
Hi there. Need some help tweaking DD's schedule (5 1/2 months). Currently she is on 4-hour EASY and has only 4 bottles/day (no DF) totalling about 28-30 ounces. Only problem is that lately she doesn't want much of her dinner/bedtime bottle because she is so tired by then. Currently her bedtime routine is change into pajamas, dim lights, bottle, cuddle, lullaby, read Goodnight Moon, bed. No bath here - we do that only every other day and earlier in day. Her bedtime is usually about 7:30 with last bottle about 6:50/7.

It's not that she needs an earlier bedtime - 7:30 works great for her/us - just need to figure out how best to feed her. Would you suggest feeding her at 6:30 instead and changing her into pajamas AFTER bottle? And maybe saving a slight topping for after that? Something else?

Also, I was thinking it might be best to get out of the habit of feeding so close to bedtime and in pajamas anyway. After all, once she's not on bottles anymore, wouldn't her last meal be dinner with family - not in pajamas and not immediately before bed? So maybe better to adjust this now? What do those of you with older babies and young children do?

BTW - no solids yet - DD has very sensitive tummy (GERD, milk intolerance) and we are waiting at least another month.

Thanks much!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline ella&jack'smum

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Re: Need Help Tweaking Last Bottle
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2006, 14:08:59 pm »
I'd definitely move the bottle earlier and see if that helps - sounds like it should do.

My two still have milk before bedtime - Jack (22 mos) has it from a beaker in his room during story time before teeth brushing and bed. Ella (3.5) has it in a mug  downstairs after her bath. I don't see any reason to eliminate evening milk from their diet - they both love it. Obviously we don't treat it as a 'meal' - it's just a last drink now.

Ella Rose 07/09/02
Jack Rowan 15/03/04
Stratford upon Avon, England