Author Topic: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?  (Read 2628 times)

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Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« on: January 29, 2006, 04:35:36 am »
Do you plan separate meals for your lo?  I'm not a meal-planning sort of gal but I've come to realize the importance of this - not only in terms of lowering of budget and waste reduction but also for stress reduction (no need to stare at an open fridge for hours and realize I should have thawed the chicken already and 'what the heck are we going to eat now?').  I am starting to see now that I probably need to plan the toddler meals, too.  Otherwise, I end up falling back on the tried and true: oatmeal, which I know he loves and will finish, but which doesn't offer much variety.

I noticed a short while ago that ds loves to share what I'm eating.  However, I'm very conscious of the salt & spices that he ingests.  I read that he shouldn't be getting any of those yet.  I nearly had a fight with my mother when she tried giving him food she had cooked when he was 8-9 mo (she uses a little bit too much salt).  Now I'm a bit more easy-going about the matter as he's almost 1 yo but I'm still consious of that intake so I don't give exactly what I eat - I give him a modified version.

So do you share your food with your 1-yo?  Short of things they are allergic to, is there anything that you don't give them at that age?  I read no spinach, strawberries, honey/sugar... I know I'm forgetting something else.  How about tomatoes?  Also, citrus fruit?  He LOVES oranges so I give him a little bit of that and it doesn't seem to bother him afterwards, though initially I wasn't sure of it's affect on his tummy.

I'd love to get your input on toddler meal planning and what your lo's eat!!!

Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

Offline tylersmommy

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2006, 17:26:06 pm »
At that age, I was still planning Tyler's meals, but it was more because I had to! He was in the midst of spoon refusal, so I always had to be sure I had a variety of finger foods unless I wanted him to eat cheerios all day. Once he got past the spoon refusal, I was able to be a bit more flexible. Once he got interested in eating what we were having, I'd often let him have that as long as it was appropriate. I plan our meals ahead of time and I always have a backup on hand in case he doesn't want what we're having (the backup is usually something really simple like a sandwich, not a separate meal). I also kind of keep track of what he's eating throughout the day in my head to ensure he's eating a balanced diet, ie, not cheerios all day. :)

As for what's age-appropriate, I believe spinach and other greens are okay around 10 mo. Strawberries, honey, citrus, and tomato are usually not recommended until 1 yr old, but I think we started pasta sauce and strawberries at 11 mo and didn't have any problems (we don't have allergies in the family, so I cheated a bit). HTH!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2006, 17:58:14 pm »
To be honest, and I know health visitors and the like wouldn't smile upon it, we still eat seperately from our kids, apart form lunch at weekends (when we may well eat different food, but sit together). I think perhaps it's because we're vegetarian, and really like spicy food ourselves, so most of the meals we have they wouldn't like. But also it's becuase we like to eat later in the evening, once they've gone to bed, with a glass of wine and relax and chew over the day! Selfsih I know!

Anyway, apart from that, I still do 'plan' my toddlers' meals to an extent. I'll always add fruit and veggies to the grocery list that I know they'll like, and add quorn and cheese also. That'll probably account for 3 or 4 meals during the week. And there's always pizzas, sausages and garlic bread in the freezer, and some tins of beans in the cupboard.

But also every weekend I cook up a batch of a casserole or paella or chilli dish or something that I can freeze - usually make enough for about 8 portions and freeze them inidividually. It saves on time preparing meals, money cos you don't waste anything, and means that at any one time I have about 6 different healthy meal options available  within a few minutes of defrosting in the microwave.

I usually aim for them to have one of the healthy options a day (packed full of veggies, protien, no sugar/salt etc) and am then more relaxed about the other meal (cheese on toast, pizza, quorn sandwich etc.)

Hope this helps.

Ella Rose 07/09/02
Jack Rowan 15/03/04
Stratford upon Avon, England

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2006, 22:55:39 pm »
Well, my boys are 1 and 3 and I do plan seperatly to a certain extent.
Factor one for us is that I have some food restricions so I substitute some things but give the boys "the orininal"  Ex. They get milk, I use soy milk.
Factor two is that my 3 year old is really REALLY picky and would be happy eating junk food all day!  I recently discovered the way to get him to eat better.  I found some kids recipie cards and let him choose a couple for each meal.  Then I have him help me shop for the items, and do as much of the preperation as he can do.  The child ate spagetti the other night cause he helped me fix it!!!!  Now, my one year old is not as picky, but because he is only just 14 monthsw old there are some things he doesn't eat that my older one peanut butter for example.  So, between what I fix for myself and what I fix with Xavier, Jaxon will normally eat something healthy! 
Oh, and we do sit at the table together as much as possible no matter who is eating what!

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2006, 00:12:00 am »
About three times a week i make a meal big enough for two protions for us and the rest is frozen for DD is kiddie portions. That way I've always got something for her.Thats the only planning i do.
She eats separately form us cos of timings and also cos she's not too good at feeding herslef yet amd i prefere to eat my food hot, not cold cos i'm feeding her!!!!
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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2006, 03:17:41 am »
When my son was 1 year, he ate what we did, but without the spices. So, if I was making chicken, for example, I would cook him a little piece leaving off whatever spices I was using. If we were having something like salad, that he wouldn't eat, I would make him a small portion of peas or some other vegetable. It did take alot of planning to do this. I had to make sure whatever we had for supper could be easily made into a finger food for him. Now, at two, he eats whatever we do, spices and all  ;). Although, we don't use very much salt in our cooking.
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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2006, 04:11:21 am »
Hmm... food for thought so to speak (*heehee* sorry about the pun).  Good suggestion on freezing food.  As it stands now, I just refrigerate and, a week later, I feel as if the food is no longer good... and I know I'm just being paranoid because it looks and smells fine.

Thank you for your suggestions!!  They're really helpful.  *sigh* I guess I really need to start planning ahead.
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

Offline Katet

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2006, 08:41:05 am »
Aiden pretty much eats with us, got into the habit when I worked as he came home with me & dh had the meal ready for him & us, so we all ate together.

I have always frozen small meals for Aiden say 3 spagetti Bolognaise & extra rissoles etc, so I can/could pull out things for hime when we were having stuff he didn't eat, but these days he eats about 75% of what we do, so often I just cook him an egg or a sausgae if we are having something he doesn't eat... will do the same for Liam soon.

i tend to add extra veg into things like spaghetti sauce/rissoles etc, so we all benefit from the extra veg & then dh & I will tend to add extra flavour ie sauce for steak or chicken, while Aiden eats plain.

Interesting about the spinach as my guidelines (Australian) say from 7 months as it is a nutrient rich veg & tomatos are ok if cooked from 8 months.

I only keep food in the fridge 3 days max, but usually freeze it straight away... before Liam was born I had 60 serves of food frozen (for dh & me) + about 10 for Aiden so I didn't have to cook in the first month or so... best think I ever did as I cooked when I felt like it & it took 3 months to use up. :)
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2006, 15:29:35 pm »
before Liam was born I had 60 serves of food frozen (for dh & me) + about 10 for Aiden so I didn't have to cook in the first month or so... best think I ever did as I cooked when I felt like it & it took 3 months to use up. :)

You're so organized!  I planned on doing this before I had ds but it didn't happen - I worked up until the day before I went into labor and didn't get my 2 weeks off as I had planned.  However, my mom stayed with us for a week and a half so she cooked every day (YUM!) and cleaned EVERY room for me!   :o  I'm hoping to be more organized this time around (I'm getting there!!!   ;D)
Georgia, mom to 3 sweet babes: touchy Foti, spirited Lena & not-so-tiny Joanna

Offline tylersmommy

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Re: Do you plan ahead for your toddler's meals?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2006, 18:32:45 pm »

The guidelines do tend to be different depending on your source and where you live. I tend to use the most conservative guideline, so that's what I pass along, KWIM?
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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