Author Topic: Dream feed suddenly refused by my LO's...  (Read 1257 times)

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Offline Sarah O

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Dream feed suddenly refused by my LO's...
« on: January 29, 2006, 13:21:46 pm »
Hey there,

We've been successfully dreamfeeding our twins at 11pm every night for about three months now.  The babes are just over 6 months old.  Neither is taking a significant amount of solids, just a taste once in a while.  They've both been sick recently (one now recovering, one in the middle of it) and as a result have been eating very poorly (bottles).  What's been happening is that they refuse the dreamfeed but then want a middle of the night feeding instead, which they haven't done for a long time.  I'm just not sure what to do and feeling very anxious about this.  Since they're sick, do I just follow their lead and if they're hungry during the night, feed them?  That's what I've done so far but I'm just scared of regressing to night feeds again and having to face many nights of p/u p/d to get back on track.  Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing?  I know that we're supposed to drop the dreamfeed around 7 months but surely that's when they're making up the calories in solids, right?  Or is it just a developmental thing that babies start refusing a bottle at 11pm?  I would expect that might be the case if the babies' formula intake during the day had increased to new levels but I've kept a log book and it's nowhere near 32 oz (especially now when they're sick...for example my DS's intake yesterday excluding the middle of night feed was 16.75 oz.)

Sorry this is so long!



Offline Noelle

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Re: Dream feed suddenly refused by my LO's...
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 03:51:57 am »
Hi Sarah

Sorry for the late's it going now?  If sick, I would definitely follow their lead.  Though strange that they wouldn't take the df.  Part of me says that since not taking the df, that's why they are waking at night vs being sick.  Are they taking a full feed when they wake in the night?  I would be afraid of regression too.  If they are waking at the same time everynight, it may just be habit too.  For now, I would keep trying the dr.  Maybe try giving it a little earlier?  Also, if you could post what your normal routine looks like...maybe something will stick out at us.

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom