I have a concern about a possible milk allergy.
My ds has been formula feed from day one. He always was really sour and spit up a lot as well as being gassy. My doctor treated it as a milk allergy and suggested soy formula at 2 months. Nethier my dp or I have milk allergies in our families. After the soy nothing seemed to get better was just consitpatied. We got the consitipation under control with starting fruits. He know has ezxema under his neck and is always a little stuffy, (which dp has exzema and I have always had a post nasel drip) Our doctor is still treating it as a milk allergy and that is what is causing all the problems(as soy still contains milk sugar). ds is 6.5 months now.
I just don't believe it is a milk allergy, and wonder if I should persue the issue of trying to have an allergy test done or not, or just get a second opionon about this. I akm concerned of course for many reasons, 1) I heard soy can bring on other allergies including nuts, another with starting dairy products. Doctor doesn't seem to wanna do anything about it and said just have to wait till hes a year and see how he reacts to whole milk??
If anyone has any info or advice to share would be great, thank you