Hi! Thanks for your comments.............. I don't think I was very clear, sorry. I don't actually put her for her nap at 930, but she is 'ready' then. If I did put her down then, she would sleep, and probably for a longer period of time. Just FYi, here is her schedule:
5-530am - wake
bottle - 1-2 8oz milk
730 breakfast
930 snack
1100 lunch
1130 nap
1hour, if I am lucky, 1.5 hr, but never more than that
2pm snack
bottle - 8oz milk
5pm dinner
6pm 8oz bottle
630 bath
7pm bed
So that's it, pretty simple really. But what do I do with the 5am wake!!? I'd be willing to accept it, and live with an early riser, but I know she is still tired!! Especially when she is ready for bed again so early. For the last month, my husband and I have been taking turns trying pu/pd. We've agreed to not let her out of her room until at least 6am, figuring she'd eventually get the idea....... well, that was a month ago. She is still not getting it!!
Any suggestions would be appreciated!! I need help!!