Hi Kira's Mom,
I was relieved to see your post and find that there's another mom trying to start EASY at 4 months. If it makes you feel any better, I think you're a lot farther along than me with this. My first daughter was an Angel/Textbook baby, so she sort of got into the EASY routine without any guidance.
My second daughter, Heather, has been very different. I've been trying to track her routine to then work from there to gradually tweak it, but I'm discovering that she has no routine. I made the mistake of assuming that she'd naturally fall into one, just like my older daughter.
I'm having the same nap issues as you, Heather wakes after 30 to 45 minutes (on a good day). I've just bought the 3rd Tracy Hogg book and it's got lots of great advice with really detailed descriptions of what to do. For the past several days, I've been doing the "Shh/Pat" at nap times to try and get Heather to sleep a bit longer..... it's slow going, but I think it's working.
I've also been trying this at bedtime (I use the same routine before nap and bed.... dim lights, soft music, quiet diaper change, soothing talk.... then snuggle in blanket and lay in crib). Heather goes to sleep pretty well at about 8:00. I give her a dream feed at about 11:00. My big issue is that she keeps waking up at 3:00 AM. If I give her another bottle, she drinks it and goes back to sleep until about 6:30. If Itry "shh/pat" she continues to fuss.
Heather has been very slow to gain weight and may have mild reflux (according to the pediatrician).... so I'm wary of holding off on her feedings for over three hours..... but I think, after doing some reading of Tracy's third book, I've gotten into some accidental parenting. Heather seems to want most of her feedings for the day at night..... so, I'm trying to move her to eat more during the day.
How much does your daughter eat? Heather has never had more than 5 ounces at one feeding - and I struggle to get her to drink that much. I know she should have at least 25 - 28 ounces a day, and we're having a hard time with getting her to take that much.
Keep us posted as to how you're doing!