Author Topic: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???  (Read 2381 times)

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Offline Carmela's Mom

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Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« on: February 01, 2006, 18:05:39 pm »
Is there any reasoning behind this...has anyone faced this?  Any solutions?  I was putting her in at 12:30 and she continued to take over an hour to fall asleep.  I now switched it to 1 p.m. today to see if that would help any and so far it hasn't.  Am I putting her in too late and she's overtired?  Once she's down, she usually makes a cry sound at 1.5 hours and then sleeps another 30 mins or so.  This is our day:

6:30-7 wake up (normally around 7)
12:30 p.m. nap (which usually isn't until 1:30 or even later)
7 p.m. bedtime (usually falls asleep within 30 mins here)

I'm not sure what to do because if she goes to sleep after 1, she sleeps for two hours and is waking too close to bedtime.  Suggestions???  I'm wondering if I should put her in EARLIER at 12:15 instead to see if that helps her settle more....also she may be waking at night but being quiet....I don't hear her so I assume she's sleeping, but I started putting on white noise for me because I hear her cries so I know if its important and I'm not waking up to her playing.


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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 20:52:19 pm »
FWIW, Nathan almost always has a "play down" time in his room before falling asleep (anywhere from 5mins - 1hr).  If the later naptime isn't making a difference to her long winddown, I'd stick with the earlier one and let her play around before she falls asleep.  What Nathan tends to do is plays, then calls out, so I go in retuck him in and repeat if he calls out, if he doesn't call out I leave him in there until it's getting close to the maximum time I want him to fall asleep by and then keep popping him into bed until he goes to sleep.  If you're finding the later nap is affecting bedtime, perhaps cut it back to 1.5hrs when you hear her stir or have a cutoff point in the afternoon - for us 3.30pm works to be able to stick with the 7pm bedtime (which is actually taking an hour for us anyway atm, but same thing, we just treat it like naptime - sometimes he's asleep straight away and other times can take an hour).  We just tend to roll with it but maintain the routine and times regardless.

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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 22:37:39 pm »
I don't think an hour of chatting is terrible, as long as she eventually sleeps. I'd just put her down a little on the early side of what you think will work, and let it be. As long as she naps most days be happy she's putting herself to sleep! If she starts getting into a pattern where there's not as many naps and too many hours of just chatting, you may have to consider a longer pre-nap wind-down routine, which is what I now do. I think Carmela just needs a bit more time to settle and calm than some kids.
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Offline Carmela's Mom

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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 18:16:24 pm »
I am not sure which flow to go with.  The one that moves nap time to 12:15 or 12:30 to let her play for her the 1.5 hours that she's been playing...or to push her back all the way to 1:30 and see if that makes a difference.

Any suggestions?  Right now bedtime is 7:00.  I'm not opposed to moving it to 7:30-8:00 but not any later....suggestions?  Would you move it up or move it back or keep it what it is and let her get used to it (right now its 12:45)


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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 18:23:00 pm »
I actually don't think it will matter which way you pick - but which ever one you choose to go with, stick with it for a solid week.  If you need to push bedtime out a bit do tie in if you choose the later naptime, do that.  I think you really need to pick set times for wake up, naptime and bedtime and hold to them for a while to let her body adjust to it.  You WILL have some rough days, but she is old enough to stay up if you need her to even if she's tired earlier (as she's showing by holding out for her nap anyway).  It will take patience and absolute consistency, but hopefully after around 3 days you should see some improvement.  So even though Nathan varies on his actual times by up to an hour, I still stick to the clock on getting him down for a nap and down for the night (he never oversleeps in the morning, so I NEVER have to wake him LOL  :D).

Good luck.

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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 18:26:10 pm »
I know what you mean.  We were consistent with 12:30 for awhile but she kept talking for 1.5 hours so I just moved her to 12:45 and so far .. same thing.  It seems 1:30-1:45 she's been falling asleep.  But my fear is if I do put her down at 1:30, then she will still stay up 1.5 hours and really not nap until 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why do they make everything so can put me down at 12:30 and at 7:00 and I'll gladly sleep all the hours you want me to :)

Offline imsmum

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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2006, 19:00:52 pm »
What are her am activities like and her winddown at nap time? 

We  are also going through this phase after having night waking and early waking like your Carmela during the one nap transition except our lo is hard to put down for both naps and bedtime.  I'm wondering if this is part of the adjustment. ??? 

I wouldn't cut  her nap short--she's probably needs the 2 hours if she has just transitioned.  I think the set time for naps is especially important when first doing the one nap transition but maybe now that she's there there's just some tweaking needed .  I'd start by maybe altering the winddown routine a bit and then start shifting nap times a little to see if that helps.

Offline Carmela's Mom

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Re: Why does it take her so long to fall asleep???
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2006, 19:32:30 pm »
Carm is almost 22 months old now and has been on one nap since 14 months old.  Our mornings are mostly out and about either with other children or on our own.  She's kept pretty busy for the most part.  We always make sure to get home by 11ish for lunch at 11:30.  After lunch, there is no tv and no loud toys....and no roughhousing.  We usually read books, play with puzzles etc. for about 30 mins or so.  Then I bring her upstairs and we start our nap time routine.