FWIW, Nathan almost always has a "play down" time in his room before falling asleep (anywhere from 5mins - 1hr). If the later naptime isn't making a difference to her long winddown, I'd stick with the earlier one and let her play around before she falls asleep. What Nathan tends to do is plays, then calls out, so I go in retuck him in and repeat if he calls out, if he doesn't call out I leave him in there until it's getting close to the maximum time I want him to fall asleep by and then keep popping him into bed until he goes to sleep. If you're finding the later nap is affecting bedtime, perhaps cut it back to 1.5hrs when you hear her stir or have a cutoff point in the afternoon - for us 3.30pm works to be able to stick with the 7pm bedtime (which is actually taking an hour for us anyway atm, but same thing, we just treat it like naptime - sometimes he's asleep straight away and other times can take an hour). We just tend to roll with it but maintain the routine and times regardless.