I don't have many answers for you I'm afraid because I'm going through the same thing. I'll write what we've done so that you can try some of the ideas but I have to warn you that none seem to be working so I hope someone else can help us out.
My DS turns two in about 2 weeks time. Like Asha, he has been perfectly happy going to bed on his own (both lunchtime nap and bedtime). But all of a sudden he screams blue murder when we try to leave the room. He is now also waking at least once at night and won't settle back down unless we stay with him.
The first night he did it, my DH stayed in the room with him - not holding him, just being in the room until he fell asleep. But after an hour when my DH tried to leave (despite appearing asleep) he started screaming again. So my DH just decided to sleep on the sofa in his room.
Night two and I said: start as you mean to go on. Do you want to spend every night sleeping on the couch in his room? No, right. Lets get a new plan. So we tried to let him cry it out. In the past, if he has been unsettled, we've found that if we left him crying for five minutes, he would send himself to sleep unlike if we constantly tried to settle him which just wound him up. But instead of putting himself to sleep after 5 minutes of crying, he just went on and on and on. We went in and tried a different approach. We didn't say anything except: lie down, it's bedtime. And then left the room. We'd wait a minute and then go in again. Made no difference. He kept on screaming. So we tried the same thing again, this time waiting only 10 seconds before going back in. This worked and after going in about 5 times he went to sleep.
So night three, we thought we'd try the same approach again. He was having none of it. We went back in over and over and over and over.....and he just wouldn't settle. Until he eventually woke up my infant. Which was lovely.
So we tried staying in his room with him again, but not talking to him and being out of sight. It stopped him screaming but he still kept sitting up in bed to check that we were still there. So now we're back at square one and staying in the room.
I don't know what to do about this because I don't want him to get used to us staying with him. But I also don't want him waking up my infant every night (have only just got him to sleep through) so I can't really leave him screaming by constantly stepping out the room.
Do they go through separation anxiety or something at this age? Because he's also started screaming every time I drop him off at nursery, clinging to my legs etc. The staff say he is fine the instant I leave and he has a great time while he's there (he never wants to leave) but the two have come at the same time which makes me think it's separation anxiety - which could be the same for Asha.
So I don't have too much advice - other than try to start as you mean to go on. If you don't want her in your bed, don't take her to your bed. Maybe try to comfort her in her room and try to gradually ease your way out - but to be honest, I haven't found a solution that works for us yet.

I hope someone with some experience with this can help.