I have a question, hopefully you guys can answer it for me.
My LO is 5 months old and is cutting his first tooth. I signed us up for a play group that starts next week, about two weeks ago, thinking I could move his EASY so that the kindermusik class we will be taking would be during his Activity time. Well he just started cutting his first tooth this past weekend and all has gone out the window. During the day he has not been to fussy, but at night he hasn't been sleeping to well. I've given him baby Tylenol and baby oragel, which helped a bit. I've let him sleep in a bit in the morning, and wake up on his own, since I know he isn't feeling to well. Anyway here is what our morning schedule looks like:
7:15 AM wakeup, breakfast, playtime
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM naptime
The class is from 9:45AM -10:30AM, right during his naptime.
Before he started teething I was waking him up at 6:30 and putting him down for a short nap at 8:15AM - 900AM, then a longer one around 11:30AM, which was working pretty well. But that took about a week to get him sorta on that. Now I don't know what to do, since the class starts next week and I'm sure what to do since he is teething.