Author Topic: Help! starting e.a.s.y with my 2wk 2day old  (Read 1387 times)

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Offline Rachelf

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Help! starting e.a.s.y with my 2wk 2day old
« on: February 09, 2006, 18:45:26 pm »

just wondered if anyone could offer some advice...we are wanting to start e.a.s.y with our 2wk 2day old but have a few questions about timings... He has been a sleepy baby (tho waking up a bit more now) during the day and will easily go for 4+ hrs between feeds but will go for 3 - 4hrs at night and generally have a crying session in the evening and may be at night as well. Am unsure about waking him up on the 3 hr schedule for a sleepy feed but know that that is the only way to get him adjusted to day and night times etc. I want to move away from demand feeding and wondered if anyone had any tips for a good plan of action- how to wake him up. Also this sounds really stupid but should you count 3 hrs from the start or end if the previous feed?

Thanks in advance   :)

Offline Maggie and Nathan's Mommy

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Re: Help! starting e.a.s.y with my 2wk 2day old
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 01:53:50 am »
My ds is just like yours.  He is 10 days old today and we struggle with the exact same things you do.  I guess it is not really a struggle but somewhat confusing if you want to start EASY.  I will be looking for any replies that might help me out too!!!

My ds is VERY hard to wake and will often sleep 4-5 hours during the day if I let him.  He is not a very aggressive eater.  He also likes to stay awake semi fussy anywhere between 9pm-12am.  I hope to start EASY next week and try to get him on a schedule by 3 weeks.  Some people think that is early but I think it is worth a try.  I have a 3.5 year old dd and she did really well on a schedule and is the best sleeper because of it.

I heard that putting an apple from the fridge on their cheeks helps wake them and is not as cruel as a cold cloth or stripping them naked!!  I count my 3 hours from the start of a feed.  HOpe this helps to know we are in the same boat!! 

Maggie  06/18/02

Nathan   01/30/06

Offline Noelle

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Re: Help! starting e.a.s.y with my 2wk 2day old
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 02:21:03 am »
Hello  :)
Oh yes, it is tough, tough, tough to get those new ones awake!!!  :D  As hard as it is, if you want to start EASY this early (I did with Zoe, didn't have the book until John was 4mos) it is doable but it does time a lot of time and patience..especially if they aren't angel/textbook babies.  My advice is to just keep doing what you have to do within reason to wake them up.  I would compromise and let them sleep 3.5 hrs if they stay asleep that long.  Bedtime would be at 7-8PM if possible and then feed when they wake.  And I tend to agree that if they are waking every 3-4 hrs at night on their own, their days/nights may be a bit skewed....the way to fix that is to wake them.  HTH  :)
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline Rachelf

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Re: Help! starting e.a.s.y with my 2wk 2day old
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2006, 12:28:07 pm »
Since last posting have found that one cycle will go fine and the next he will get over tired after a sleepy feed. I have been doing the pat/shh technique but find him v difficult to swaddle so end up holding him may be too long??? not sure. Find he only really cries a lot when he is over tired - not sure what 'type' of baby he is yet... Will try letting him sleep for the 3.5 hrs and see if we do better.

Thanks for hard to know what the right thing to do is...tis good to know we're not the only ones  :)