Ellie's always been a great sleeper - through the night from the DF at 8 weeks and dropped the DF (by accident

) at 4mo. She only has the odd run of troubled sleep, and I do see that as part of the deal, but I don't want a small problem to turn into a big one, IYKWIM. And, well, we have small but escalating problem here at the moment.
A bit of history - I started PU/PD with Ellie when she was around 11mo. It seemed to work, although it took a while (including one highly forgettable night where I PU/PD for more than four hours).
Since then, on the very rare occaision she is having trouble going to/staying asleep, I've found a modified pat/shhh method more effective, as the PU/PD seems to wind her right up initally and take forever. Basically, I would put my hand firmly on her back and shhh, and as she settled, sit on her floor where she could see me and keep shushing, slowly moving towards the door. Worked well to start with, but has become less effective (and MUCH slower) with time.
Recently, though, a run of sickness (virus, then cold, then gastro) and starting long day care led in turn to a few night wakings, then a bit of trouble getting to sleep at night, then a bit of trouble getting to sleep at nap time. Before you know it, accidental parenting is alive and well at our house. She even slept in my bed for a few hours last night (I know, I know, golden rule - my only excuse is that I caught her violent gastro and REALLY didn't have the energy to deal last night).
So, after that enormous blurt, here's my question. Should I:
- go back to PU/PD, knowing that it winds her up and takes forever, but will work eventually
- go back to pat/shh, knowing that it doesn't wind her up so much but still takes forever
- give walk in/walk out a go or
- do some combination of these three?
And if it's to be walk in/walk out, can someone please explain EXACTLY how I do it?
Thanks in advance for your help.