Author Topic: too tired and hungry for a schedual!!  (Read 834 times)

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Offline skibbit

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too tired and hungry for a schedual!!
« on: February 13, 2006, 23:03:53 pm »
hi. i have a seven week old that is having a hard time ... with EVERYTHING!!
   first off, he will refuse the bottle half the time no matter what teat, bottle, nipple or formula. he seams so hungry and wont take food, he lost an oz the last few weeks, and is only like 9 lbs. . hes so hungry but he wont eat most of the time, he just spits it out or plays with the nipple. he wont poop often either. and when he does its because hes been pushing half the day and it makes it hard for him to sleap, so he wont sleep. hes so tired, and sometimes he will take an hour to fall asleap, and wake up every ten minuits, and then by the time he falls asleap for good, its time to eat. i cant get him to eat or leap, and when he does its wor ying me that hell get into the habbit of eating before sleap.
heres what happened... he got thrush about 2 weeks ago and he was on a 2 and a half hour schedual. i dont remember exactly what it was though. but it was pretty much the same every day. and then all the sudden the pediatrician told us to feed him every 2 hours atleast 2 oz, the only thing was that he would get too hungry to sleap and to tired to eat because of it. then he sudenly never got overtired the way he used to (even though  he could never sleap any more) because its like he got past the overtired stage to wide awake and fussy. im trying to get him back on a schedual, but  when i try he wont eat or sleap so it wont work!

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Offline corrina01

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Re: too tired and hungry for a schedual!!
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 09:25:42 am »
{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you.

I am going to move this to the bottle feeding board, see if they have any suggestions on what to do about his feeding.
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline Noahret43

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Re: too tired and hungry for a schedual!!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 07:44:01 am »
Is your little one doing any better since you posted this 3 months ago?
My daughter also lost weight in the beginning and at 9 weeks is only 10 lbs.  She too lollygagged around with the nipples on the bottle....bobbed on and off the boob...didn't take to the pacifier no matter what kind we used and got overtired very quickly.  She seemed to have difficulty with her sucking/swallowing reflex.  We found out at her 2month check up she had thrush and my pediatrician told us it's very painful for the infants and is pretty sure that's why she's not really swallowing/sucking/eating well.  Your little one might have had the thrush for a while and maybe is uncomfortable and that's why he's not eating very well.  Also I found switching my daughter to premie nipples that were ultra slow flow really helped her to not feel so overwhelmed like she was gagging and choking on the formula/bm.  She certainly takes her time but we are persistent with offering the bottle to her and though fustrating that it can take more than a hour to feed her......most of the time we can manage to get 3 to 4 oz in her.  She's coming along little by little.   Hany in there it gets better every day. ;D

Offline skibbit

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Re: too tired and hungry for a schedual!!
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2006, 00:52:29 am »
yes, he is doing much better now. he did have thrush though!! it was the whole problem i think. now he weighs about 13 lbs(3-5 %) but hes comming along also. our ped told us to start him 2 times a day on babyfood already though because of the weight issue. hes not losing any, hes just so skinny. he can take about 4 oz now at each feed. occasionally 3, sometimes 6 or even 8!! i think the most he took at one time was 9 oz! but it has only happened just once. he still wont take much though but he eats fast now! the ped told us to feed him evey 3 hours onstead of 4 even though hes older now, but he spits up alot because he cant hold much. thats why he dosnt gain much these days. we try not to feed him more than 4 or 5 oz at once, although the ped tells us no more than 3 or 4.  :-\ she says no more than 4 hours w/o food at night, but we let him go as long as he can... usually between 4 and 7 hours at once. hes doing good though. thanks!! :D
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