My daughter can't roll over completely, yet.... but she can roll around. I had a sleep positioner for her bassinet, but she mananged to wiggle out the bottom of it a few times last month, so I stopped using it. I also have a wedge in her crib..... she sometimes rolls down it

but it doesn't seem to bother her.
My daughter seems to wake at about 11:00 and 3:00 most nights. The 3:00 is the worst.... she often stays awake until 6:30 (while I am doing shh/pat), when I give up and get her up for the day. I can't figure out if she's waking for hunger or something else. I have been feeding her when she wakes at 11:00, for her dream feed. But I don't feed her when she wakes at 3:00.
And, since I told you that my daughter cat naps in the morning..... she's started sleeping longer in the mornings..... I'm hoping this means she's on her way to a long morning and afternoon nap with no 5:00 PM nap.
I don't know what to do about the night wakings. I'm on my fifth day of shh/pat with her and, if I don't turn into a zombie from lack of sleep, I will continue doing this until she, hopefully sleeps through the night.
My two year old slept from 8:00 PM until 7:00 AM from three months of age, so this is very disappointing for me that I can't seem to get my youngest to sleep all night. Good luck and, hopefully, we'll both get a full night's sleep soon!