Hello! My 12 week old DS is driving us all crazy with naptime troubles. Adam is a very good tempered little guy - I'd say Textbook bordering on Angel. His nights are good, but it is almost impossible to get him to nap during the day.
Adam was born one month early by Cesarean due to my health concerns. He was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth and is currently approximately 15 pounds ( a big boy!) Adam had some difficulties breast feeding when he was born so he had to spend approximately 2 weeks in hospital and was tube fed. We gradually increased his nursing sessions until he was able to nurse successfully all the time. When he came home from the hospital he was on a nice 3 hour schedule and had no trouble napping.
I would love to give you a run down of his daily schedule, but I can't seem to get him into one. Every day is so different. The one thing that is consistent right now is that he usually has his last feeding of the day at about 9 pm and is usually asleep by 10 or 11 pm. This week he has been sleeping until about 5:30 or 6:30 am. Then he feeds again and is usually right back asleep for another 1 to 1.5 hours. Then he feeds again anywhere from 8-9 am and is often awake until the early afternoon. If I am lucky, he will nap at about 1 or 2 pm. Sometimes the nap lasts 3 minutes, sometimes 2 hours. This week, he napped on Monday afternoon for a couple of hours. For the rest of the week - no naps longer than 10 - 30 minutes with me having to go into him to get him back to sleep at 3-10 minute intervals. As I attempt to write this message Adam had a "nap" for one hour. During that hour I had to go into him about 6 times. I am going nuts!
Methods I have tried: I always swaddle him to prepare him for nap time. I have tried the shush/pat - it just seemed to irritate him. I have tried to put him down drowsy, completely asleep and alert. I have tried staying with him to help him through to the deep sleep stage - after 10 minutes he opened his eyes, saw me and it was "game over". He seems to need us to carry him around on our shoulder and pat his back while gently bouncing him as we walk until he is completely asleep and then put him in his crib. This used to result in a nap, but now it often does not. I have tried a paci - he doesn't care for it that much but will use it on occasion. If he has it, he will not stay asleep once it falls out. At best, he will nap 30 minutes with a paci with frequent interventions on our part to put it back in his mouth so he will fall back asleep.
Usually our day progresses with Adam becoming increasingly over-tired and hard to settle. He then begins to have a lot of trouble eating properly and soon becomes too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep.
I have tried to have a consistent wind down routine. This is extremely hard to continue with because, in addition to Adam, I also have a 2 1/2 year old who also needs my attention. I have found out the hard way how quickly my oldest can get into things and have also noticed his increasing frustration at getting hardly any attention from Mommy. Often, when it is time for Adam to have a nap, my oldest needs to be fed or is in desperate need of a diaper change or getting into things again. This is another big factor in the "nap time wars"!
I am not sure if this has anything to do with it, but Adam takes an hour to complete one session of nursing. If I can't get him to nap after A, then he wants to eat every 2 hours, sometimes every 1 1/2 hours. I try to watch for sleep signals, but he is frequently yawning during nursing and is often almost asleep while he's eating. After eating he perks up and will be quite content during activity time. I really haven't been able to observe any sleep signals at this point. Soon, he is tired and I can't get him to sleep except for a little dozing for a few minutes. Then we're at the two hour mark since his last feeding and he wants to eat again. We then get into the cycle I mention about him not being able to eat well and then can't sleep well either. I have tried giving him breast milk by bottle hoping that the shorter feeding time will enable him to get in a nap, but it doesn't work. He also spits up quite frequently and I have occasionally noticed spit up in his crib when I have had to go into him. Today, when I was observing him during his attempt at a morning nap, he started to move his tongue around in his mouth and made a face like he'd tasted something unpleasant. I suspect something came up into his mouth a bit.
I am sorry this is so long. I really don't know what exactly to do here, so I am giving you all the information I can think of. I have both of Tracy's books and find that the information in them makes so much sense, but I can't seem to figure out where I should be starting with my own situation. I often do not even have time to eat a proper meal, let alone have any "sanity breaks" and my DS is pretty pooped out a lot of the time. Please help!