Author Topic: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes  (Read 3825 times)

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Offline OGD

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goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« on: February 16, 2006, 23:43:20 pm »
Our 7 month old has developed a frustrating habit. She has been on EASY for several months and has gone to sleep on her own for a couple of months, but has never slept through the night. Recently, she wakes screaming after 45 minutes and only at bedtime, never for naps. We don't know what to do. She is very difficult to calm down and can sometimes take up to an hour to go back to sleep. Once we get past that, she will sleep 3-6 hours. You could set your watch by her wake up. It doesn't seem to be related to teething, illness or acid reflux, but any thoughts, input would be appreciated.

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 22:09:34 pm »
can you post a sample schedule of your day?  that might help us spot something
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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2006, 03:39:36 am »
I was going to post exactly the same question!!! DS (also 7 months -- though the problem started at 6 months) has gone to bed at 6:00 or 6:30 for three or four months now, but recently he has started waking up 45-60 minutes later, screaming. Lately it has shortened to 30 minutes later. We do pu/pd for an hour and a half, and then after exactly that period of time each night, he goes back to sleep no problem. I thought it was related to hunger, as feeding him again seemed to help last week. However, this week, that doesn't work.

So here are some things I thought might be happening:
Thought #1. He's overtired from the length of time between his afternoon nap and bedtime. (We're working on lengthening that nap.) Currently there are 3.5-4 hours between the end of the afternoon nap and 6:00 However, he falls asleep at 6:00 without any problem and sleeps peacefully until waking so it doesn't really seem like he's overtired even though four hours seems like a long time to be awake.
Thought #2. What was previously a 6:00 bedtime has now become the catnap. That would make sense because it fits with the routine outlined in Tracy's book, and he goes to sleep exactly an hour and a half later, also just like in her book.

As for our daily routine, we've recently shifted from three 45-minute naps per day, with the last nap ending at 3:15 or so, to two naps per day, the morning nap lasting about 2 hours and the afternoon nap still 45 minutes and ending at 2:15 or 2:45-ish. (Like I said, we're working on lengthening it.) So here's what our day look like right now:
7:30 wake, short bf
8:30 solids
9:30 nap
11:30 bf
12:30 solids
2:00 nap (1:30 if his first nap lasts less than two hours)
2:15 or 2:45 wake
3:30 bf
4:30 solids
5:30 bedtime routine, including bf
6:00 or 6:30 asleep
6:30 or 7:00 awake again - pu/pd for an hour and a half
8:00 or 8:30 asleep

So, I wonder if I should let him have the 6:00 doze as his catnap and then get him out of bed and do the bedtime routine at 7:00 or 7:30. Here are my concerns with that idea:
1. He wakes up crying, so it seems like he should just continue sleeping rather than getting him out of bed for more A time.
2. The bedtime routine at 5:30 really helps him get in the mindframe of sleeping so I don't know if he'll go down as easily for the catnap without that routine at 5:30.
3. If that becomes a catnap, does that get him in a bad habit, or will he grow out of it and eventually have a nice bedtime and stay asleep? Also, once I fix the afternoon nap to be longer, will he need the catnap and will I have established a bad habit that will need to be broken after that nap is fixed?

Of course, with his age, I've wondered about lots of other things that could be causing it: teething (except that would bother him all day, right? Not just at night?), separation anxiety, learning to crawl... The thing is, like OGD said, this only happens in the evening, not after naps.

Does that sounds like your lo, too, OGD? Does anyone have any advice?
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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2006, 12:19:26 pm »
NewMommy724 (btw, whose bday is that??   :D )

since his afternoon nap is so short, i think that first snooze at 6pm is indeed a catnap.  personally, i like an 8pm bedtime, since it fits in with our lives very well.  with that in mind, i might actually start your catnap around 5:30-6, so that there is sufficient A time to do the entire winddown routine and then get him down at 8pm.

once you finally have success in lengthening that afternoon nap, you will be able to drop that catnap - and maybe even move bedtime earlier if you want.

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2006, 18:20:17 pm »
That's what I'm hoping for -- a longer afternoon nap and 7:00 or 7:30 bedtime (eventually). We regressed to a 45-minute am nap today so today may not be a good day to work out the whole catnap thing. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Thanks for the advice.

July 24 is my son's birthday. Why?
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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2006, 20:09:40 pm »
July 24 is my son's birthday. Why?

really... i'm just nosy!   :-[  i always wonder how folks pick their usernames, and numbers are usually tied into birthdays/birthyears or anniversaries.  i just wondered if it was his or yours!!   ;D

good luck on extending naps!   :D
DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2006, 02:06:37 am »

Have you figured out what is causing your lo to do this? (I apologize for kind of taking over your post.) I'm not sure I've figured out why our lo is doing it. Sometimes it seems like hunger, sometimes overtired, sometimes separation anxiety, sometimes not ready for bedtime that early. I don't know. It happens whether we've had good naps or bad naps, short time between last nap and bedtime or long time, doesn't matter. I guess it has just become a habit now. I've tried wake to sleep, but it hasn't helped yet.

What's the latest with you?
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Offline OGD

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2006, 02:48:02 am »
Hi again

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I really appreciated knowing that we are not alone! Our situation has improved, but not completely gone. She has gone several nights without doing this, but still happens occasionally. I have been doing some research and it could possibly be night terrors. They occur as the child is transitioning from shallow to deep sleep; which happens about 45 minutes to an hour after she goes to sleep so the timing makes sense. My husband has a history of night terrors and they can be hereditary. On a positive side, they are not like nightmares; they are not traumatizing. We always noticed that if we could get her to open her eyes, she would calm down. We now realize that there is a good chance she is asleep while screaming and that once she wakes up, she is calm; tired and confused, but calm. We have adjusted her routine to 2 naps a day (approx 3-4 hours total nap time) and she goes to bed around 9:00 ( a whole other battle since she was going to bed at 11:30!). This seems to have helped. We also keep an eye on her at about the 45 minute mark; pre-empting the situation by rubbing her back or something. She also has a small stuffed dog that she likes to touch as she is going to sleep which we take away after about an hour. I have spoken to our doctor about this and, while she is young, it isn't unheard of. She recommended a consult with a paediatrician if it continues.

Of course now she is teething again......

Offline NewMommy724

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2006, 03:42:07 am »
I'm glad you updated us! We thought we'd finally gotten out of the habit of these, but they've come back. I think they were originally caused by an ear infection that we didn't know about, but now I think he's waking up trying to crawl. He's just on the verge of being a successful crawler, and I think he practices in his crib. I don't know if he's doing it in his sleep or if he starts practicing since he figures he's awake, anyway, but now I always go in and find him either in the crawling position or sitting up. YIKES! Time to lower the mattress!

What time does your lo's last nap end? Do you think there is too much time passing between the end of her afternoon nap and bedtime? If so, and she's overtired, that can cause her to wake up after going to bed. Sometimes I think that may be our problem, too, because my ds often takes short afternoon naps.
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Offline OGD

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2006, 02:05:40 am »
Her last nap is usually about 3 hours before her bedtime. She has a nap in the morning about 3-4 hours after she wakes up for 1-2 hours and then again 3-4 hours later for about 45min-1hr.

She will also practice new skills in the night and some of her wake ups are due to getting stuck in the crib; these are easily resolved. The wake ups that are more difficult some totaly out of the blue; she appears to be sleeping soundly one minute and then screaming like crazy the next. As I said, they have improved a great deal. I have watched her seemingly dreaming as well where she is twitching slightly and lets out little cries; this is resolved by gently rubbing her back.

Hopefully she will completely outgrow this, but since her daddy hasn't I don't know what I'm in for in the future!

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2006, 17:11:29 pm »
I don't know what the deal is with my lo. His night wakings have gotten worse, and I'm nearly at the end of my rope, not only during this period after bedtime but throughoutthe night. I'm so sleep deprived after eight months that I think I'm going officially insane. And I'm not even the one who stays up at night. DH does, and then he goes and works two jobs the next day, comes home, and gets up throughout the night again. I only get up when he comes to get me to nurse ds. This has got to end soon. I'm tired of analyzing; I'm tired of trying new things; I'm tired of coming up with a revised routine. I'M JUST PLAIN TIRED!!!
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Offline OGD

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2006, 00:13:42 am »
How is Stone sleeping now? We are still having our ups and downs, no pun intended. Things had improved and then she started teething again and then got a cold. Now we are back to square one. My husband and I want to start the pu/pd routine, but I have some concerns before starting. I'll post on another more appropriate board.

Offline sweetpeasmomma

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2006, 02:25:57 am »

Hi! We are so in need of help! My daughter is almost 7 1/2 months old and she has never slept through the night. She wakes up every 45min to 2 hrs crying. She has been sleeping in our bed (still waking up), but now we are trying to move her into her crib (which is next to our bed). We tried in her room, but that did not go so well. She also uses a passy. She has been on EASY for about 3 months.We have tried PUPD and it settles her,but she still wakes up. Here is her routine:
8am wake up
8:30 2-4oz solids
9-10 A
10-11:30 or 12 S (breast fed at naps)
12:00 solids
1-2 A
2-3:30-4 S (breast fed at naps)
4-5 A
5 breast fed
6:30-7 1/2 cup cereal
7:30 bath
8:00 S

Does she need more food or nap? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Offline devlinsmomma

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2006, 17:25:07 pm »
Hi There

I'm having a similar problem with my son and his sleeping.  It started from the day he was born.  The nurses kept bringing him to me while at the hospital bec he kept waking the rest of the babies in the nursery.  It took me hours to get him to sleep at night time.  He started getting better until he reached 6 months old.  He then refused to sleep in his crib.  I can get him to sleep in his crib for about half an hour.  He'll wake up and i'll nurse him again then put him back into his bed and he will sleep in there for no more than half an hour.  He then won't go back to sleep unless he sleeps in our bed.  He is now 11 months old and I am returning to work in a couple weeks.   He has never been a sleeper.  He only naps no more than half an hour 2x/day.  I'm worried this is going to be a problem for the babysitter.  If i let him he'll sleep on me for longer.  I have tried the pick up put down routine and i can't get it to work with him.  He just keeps screaming.  I am only nursing at his bedtime now.  He is a very happy baby even with the little sleep he gets.  He sleeps throughout the night in our bed.  This is our daily routine.

Between 6am-7am he wakes
He gets a bottle
Between 8am - 9am he gets breakfast
Between 10:30-11:30 gets a bottle and naps for about 20 min to half an hour
12noon Lunch
Between 3pm - 4pm gets another bottle and naps for about 20 min to half an hour
5pm supper for him
Between 7pm - 7:30pm BATH
Nurses for about 10 min falls asleep then goes into his crib
wakes about 1/2hr later.......we nurse again goes back to his crib for no more than an hour
then to bed with mom and dad.

We would like for him to sleep longer in his bed but have run out of ideas.  We don't want him to cry it out. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks so much.

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Re: goes to sleep on her own, but wakes screaming after 45 minutes
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2006, 19:12:12 pm »
Thank you Stacy for your suggestion.  We tried the pick up put down method until he was 6 months old.  He slept better in our bed and so we discontinued the method.  He has been a tough baby as far as sleeping goes.   Maybe i wasn't doing it right, i don't know.  As far as his napping, he gets a bottle.  I hold him and give him the bottle.  I've read that bottles in bed are not good so this is why i hold him instead of putting him into his bed with his bottle.  After he falls asleep i can put him into his crib.  He sleeps for about 20 min to half an hour.  He is only nursed when it's bedtime for the night.  I tried putting his playpen beside our bed thinking that if he saw me he would be fine.  That didn't work either.  I've tried patting him on the back to get him to back to sleep, doesn't work.  I think that he needs me to sleep, but i haven't figured out how to change that without him screaming all night.  When he does awake after nursing/bottle i get him back to sleep and put him in his crib, after 20 min or so he wakes then i do the same thing and he wakes again......this will go on all night if he doesn't sleep with us.  I will keep trying though.  I haven't had a good night sleep since he was born and bec i'm going back to work soon, i might need some sleep.  Thanks for u'r support.
