Author Topic: EASY sleeping - nap lengths?  (Read 1193 times)

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Offline jemma1973

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EASY sleeping - nap lengths?
« on: February 18, 2006, 16:14:26 pm »

I've started the EASY routine in earnest with my little boy today (he's 18 days old). I used it to great effect with my first two sons but don't feel as confident this time round.

Up until now he's slept for most of the day - perhaps having 2 one hour awake sessions. He's been good during the night, waking every two hours for a 15 minute feed and then going straight back to sleep. Today however, he seems to have been awake all day. He has been on a 2.5 hourly schedule and whereas previously he's been falling asleep on his feed and sleeping pretty much for the next hour or two, today he's hardly slpet! We meade a conscious effort to kep him awake after his feeds but when we've put him in his moses basket for a nap, he's not managed any longer than 30 mins (and his last nap was onyl 15 mins). Will he settle into longer naptimes?? He doesn't seem unsettled or overtired, just doesn't want to go to sleep. Cannot believe the change in the child!

Routine so far today....

E 7am
A 1-7.30
S 7.30 - 9am

E 9am
A 9 - 11am (far too long IMO)
S 11-11.25

E 11.30
A 11.30-1.15
S 1.15 - 2pm (but woke a couple of times)

E 2pm
A 2-2.25
S 2.25-3pm (but woke coupld of times)
he's not due a feed til 4.30 but has been awake since 3pm

Many thanks,

Offline Noelle

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Re: EASY sleeping - nap lengths?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 19:32:46 pm »
Hello Jemma!!  :)

Sorry for the late reply, how is it going now?

It sounds like he's maybe growing out of the newborn sleepy stage and needs more help falling asleep, because I agree, his A times are too long.  Perhaps try putting him down a little earlier in case he's one who gets overtired more quickly..??

Let us know!  :)
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom