That's too bad that you didn't get more support for bfing---it sounds like you producing more than enough milk for you lo. 2oz at his age is about normal....your supply would have started to increase by now too.
But at least you have peace of mind now knowing for sure he is getting enough.
I thing I was taught to get Jackson to take a pacifier was to dip it in sweetened water (don't use honey tho). He started sucking on it very well your lo's age it's a good thing to have the pacifier just because they can't soothe themselves. So maybe keep trying. My lo never stuck with a pacifier once he found his fingers.
Are you in a cooler climate? and is your lo's room a reasonable temp? Swaddling at this age is important since they don't have good muscle control yet and those darn twitches always seem to wake them up!!!
Maybe adjust his clothing so that you can swaddle him all the time as part of your routine. That way he will begin to associate swaddling with sleeping.
When you say wake-up you mean from his night sleep? And what is early to you?
If you mean like 4amish...I say keep the stimulation low, lights off (preferrably), re-swaddle (if necessary), and feed. Hopefully without any interaction he'll go back to sleep for another 1-2 hours.