Author Topic: EASY and 10 week old  (Read 1551 times)

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Offline clare076

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EASY and 10 week old
« on: February 20, 2006, 08:20:40 am »
I seem to be having problems with my 10 week old. I had her on a 3hr EASY from 6 weeks and she would pretty much eat every 2.5 to 3 hours, activity for 30mins or so and then back to bed.

Now at 10 weeks she doesn't always want to eat on waking after 3 hours, sometimes she will go 4, yesterday she went almost 5! Sometimes she likes to play on waking and if I try feeding her she screams the place down, other times she wants to eat immediately.
She has also dropped off the amount she is eating at each feed. She has gone from drinking 100ml every 2.5 to 3 hours to not even 100ml when she feels like it. I have moved to a faster teat today to see if that helps

It is making it really hard to read her cues, I am having difficulty working out what is hunger.

Should I move to a 4 hour EASY? Over the last week she has gone from only waking once a night to sleeping until 2am then waking every hour after that. I give her the paci and ssh/pat her back to sleep qiute easily. Is this a resettling problem?

I can't really post her routine because it is all over the shot at the moment.

So far today we have had

2am - feed 80ml
3am - wake - ssh/pat
4am - wake - ssh/pat
5am - awake - ssh/pat
6am - 100ml
7am - sleep
9.30 - feed 75ml
10.30 - sleep
12.30 - 100ml
1.30 - sleep
2.00 - awake, unable to settle. Feed offered took 130ml
3.00 - sleep

usually she doesn't eat much from now until around 8pm as she suffers terribly from colic and screams the house down.

After she settles from colic pain, we bath and put straight to bed around 8.15

Very confused and tired


Offline clare076

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Re: EASY and 10 week old
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 22:08:58 pm »
please can anyone help. We have just had another shocking night

Offline Noelle

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Re: EASY and 10 week old
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 03:53:57 am »
Hello  :)
If you haven't already, check out the below link.  It does seem to me that she may be ready for a 4hr.  It's ok that's she's only 10 weeks, it is not uncommon for some babies to transition soon or later than the "4 months".  Though some days she may still be hungry a little earlier...

Did the faster nipple seem to help at all?  As far as the nightwakings go, it could be because she's ready to transition, or that she's addicted to the paci and can't sleep without needing you to pop it back in.  Does she fall asleep independently? 

**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline clare076

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Re: EASY and 10 week old
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 06:24:44 am »
The faster teat seemed to work yesterday afternoon. She actually was drinking over 130ml with each bottle. However she still woke ever hour. Usually she will spit the dummy out just as she is falling asleep, so I don't think she is addicted to it.

When I see her tired cues, I wrap her and cuddle for approx 5 minutes, unless her eyes start to close then it is immediately into crib. She always opens her eyes again then falls asleep by herself. Rarely do I need to ssh/pat.

This waking at night has only started 3 days ago. She did have her first needles last week, don't know if that is linked in anyway.
Before this she would wake only once a night, and that is without a dream feed.

Last night I decided to cluster feed and d/f at 1145, she still woke at 2 but managed to lengthen the sleep until 4 where she only took 100ml, then she woke at 4.30. 5.15 and 6.00

The only other thing that has changed is I  have swapped her formula. She was having EBM and thickened formula, but I found it too thick for her so started buying normal formula and thickening it, that was also last week.

Any ideas


Offline Noelle

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Re: EASY and 10 week old
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2006, 19:10:40 pm »
Hi Clare...

Sorry for the late reply, how is it going now?
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom