Well that makes me feell a little better that you do it too
my DS was 9 weeks early so i guess hes really 8.5months but i still feel the night feeding should stop - he hardly wants anything at breakfast which is meant to be the most important meal of the day!
Anyway last night i fed him at 10pm when he woke then offered him diluted milk when he woke at 2.30am he took most of it and at 7am he took 5oz of milk which is a vast improvement! Ill try gradually diluting his feeds more and more - im hoping it will work and not result in really early morning wake ups again
Yeh we have tried to resettle - more so my DP than me as i dont have the patience
- he will try to shh him back - it very rarely works!
Im definately going to try and take steps to stop this - i feel 12 hours is too long so ill continue to feed him at 10-11pm which i dont have a problem with.
Anyway thanks for listening